Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Getting records in the mail never gets old

Night Birds - Maimed For The Masses 7"

I got this record recently and have been listening to it non-stop. It starts out with the title track, Maimed For The Masses and apparently it's a song about Mick Foley the wrestler. It's an interesting idea for a song and I love it. Apparently, Mick Foley himself heard the song and liked it. The band posted a picture of the man with a copy of the 7" and that's pretty cool in my book.

The other tracks on this record are Barred Out, Last Gasp and an instrumental called Boat Trash. The whole record is great, but my personal favorite is Last Gasp. After reading the lyrics, I immediately thought of the actor David Carridine. If you know how he died, then you can see what i'm talking about here. Maybe he was their inspiration for that song. Boat Trash is just another great instrumental by this band. Can they do any wrong? They seem to have the midas touch for pumping out hits.

If I were to describe this band to anybody that had not heard of them before, I would say that they're an up beat surf punk band with plenty of sing alongs and fun/twisted lyrics. This record is nothing short of great and I can only hope that their up coming 12" on Grave Mistake Records called Born To Die In Suburbia is even better. 

Infest - S/T 7"

This record has four songs that were not included on the No Man's Slave LP and I'm giddy about hearing them now. Days Turn Black and Controlled Violence make me want to break things. Crushing guitars with pissed off/urgent vocals. You're Shot is a solid instrumental, but in my opinion, it's a filler song. (Can a song really be considered "filler" when it's short?)

Why Be Something That You're Not (Negative Approach) is a nice cover. Joe Denunzio's vocals on that are better than what John Brannon does for his songs nowadays. My only complaint is that it's only four songs and that there is no download available.

The songs are what you expect from the godfathers of Power Violence. Fast, furious and a kick to the teeth. That's the perfect formula for me. I once read a perfect description about this band and it went something like this - "Infest is a band that you can't listen to while driving. It will only cause road rage." Truer words were never spoken.

If you want to get your hands on this record (and you should) go to eBay and look up eBay user dedicated_to_society(699) to get it directly from the band. Apparently, people were buying them up at the Maryland Deathfest and looking to turn a profit for it online. Don't give $50 bucks to some greedy piece of shit, when you can pay $7 bucks for it from the band. 


Friday, June 14, 2013

Aaron Straw Benefit

Some magnificent bastard posted a few clips that look and sound great from the Aaron Straw Benefit. My favorite is Wide Awake. I wish there were more clips of them that look and sound as great as this video. Check it out.


Wide Awake

Unit Pride

Unit Pride #2

Up Front


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bad Brains documentaries

I stumbled onto a documentary video about the band that is great. It's called Bad Brains: A Band In D.C. It's about an hour and forty five minutes of the band then and now and I couldn't get enough of it. Props to the guys that put this together because they delve into just about everything the band has done over the years. The only thing missing was the band doing shows as F.V.K. with John Joseph on vocals. Not one mention of that, which seems odd to me. Anyway, if you're a fan of the band, even if you only like one song, you should check it out. It's fascinating. (By the way, if you only like one song by this band then you might need to have your head examined.)

There is also a trailer for another video called HR - "Finding Joseph I" and it looks interesting. It's a documentary on H.R. but they added some mainstream star power to it by interviewing guys like Sonny Sandoval from P.O.D., Chino Moreno from the Deftones a couple of guys from Living Colour, and a bunch of other guys you may or may not have heard of. Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to interview those guys? I'm not saying I won't watch it, but it just seems odd to me. Anyway, check  out the trailer to see for yourself.
