Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Hardcore was better when I was your age." Really? Hmmm

Imagine you're walking down the street and an older guy is walking ahead of you wearing this shirt. Pretty cool, huh? Yeah, we didn't think so either. Anybody that would actually wear this is obviously a life time member of the "douche bag club for men".

Who's the old fart that came up with this idiotic shirt? We know that we're some old guys (COUGH one of us is far older than other COUGH), but even we wouldn't go around saying something stupid like this. There's no better way to make yourself sound A) out of touch B) look like a total ass and C) make yourself seem too cool for the rest of the scene, by wearing this shirt.

The other half of the D.C. Sniper team has this to say:  It's sounds like something Grandpa Simpson would start a diatribe with. Like, "get off my lawn!" hardcore style. Every generation thinks it's generation was the best. Early 80's hardcore felt that way about late 80's hardcore. The 80's felt that way about the 90's and the 90's felt that way about the 2000's. It's no different than somebody who grew up with Zeppelin and telling some kid that is listening to Rage Against The Machine that it sucks. The reply would likely be "okay Grandpa, go back to your nap." Nothing you can do except laugh at the arrogance. 

Couldn't agree with you more partner. (After that contribution, I think he needs a warm glass of milk to get him ready for his nap.)