Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Black Flag reunite! Sort of...

There's now two Black Flag's out there playing the hits. This particular one is going as Flag and consists of Keith Morris, Chuck Dukowski, Dez Cadena, Bill Stevenson and Stephen Egerton of Descendents/All fame.   They played this past weekend at the Moose Lodge in Redondo Beach, California. Apparently this was the same venue of their first show ever. Whoop dee doo! Why the band thought that this was such a special idea is beyond me, but I digress.

The show was invite only and I wonder how anyone got to be on that invite list? It looks to me like they invited a few clowns to it because there were one too many people holding up their cell phones to record the show. How about dancing, diving and/or singing along? Seriously people. It's obnoxious. It's almost as bad as being in a movie theater and seeing someone's phone light up. It's a distraction. In any case, the band sounded pretty good. They put together close to 40 minutes of hits and at one point had Dez take over vocal duties for a few songs towards the end.


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