Thursday, May 9, 2013

Guilty pleasure...Pissed Jeans

We all have guilty pleasures and this is becoming one of mine. The D.C. Sniper Team was invited to see this band by a mutual friend of ours and we went for the sole purpose of hanging out with said friend. Little did we know that we were walking into a place full of HIPSTERS! The opening bands were forgettable, but Pissed Jeans came onstage and had our attention. Their front man was pretty animated and engaged the crowd with some banter between songs, which is a plus in my book. We weren't feeling the music that night, but I decided to look them up on YouTube recently and found a song I really liked called "False Jessi part 2."  I am totally into this song and I found some other tunes like "Bathroom Laughter" and "Health Plan" that are growing on me too. Maybe all those hipsters know some good music? Just this once...

Here is a funny quote from the other half of the D.C. Sniper team, sent to me via text, since I was running late.

"I'm pretty sure 90% of the people here work at Trader Joes, Whole Foods or the vegan co-op. Don't have to worry about skinheads and the wall of death tonight." Touche my friend.


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