Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Done Dying

Done Dying is a band that has been popping up on the radar for a few months now and what better time than now to check them out. It features Dan O'Mahony, Mike Hartsfield, Chris Lohman and Kevin Panter and they have put together an E.P. titled "Dressed For Distress".

Now, we've always been fan's of Dan's lyrics and this release does not disappoint. The man just knows how to put words to paper and deliver with power. The first song "Dressed For Distress" has a total "fuck you" vibe to it and we can't get enough of it. We here at D.C. Sniper can appreciate what he's talking about with this track. "Some motherfucker who is half my age and decides my fate. Some motherfucker who can bottom line my entire life." Not so sure we would necessarily get the message when we were teenagers, but as adults, it hits home.

The artwork for this E.P. is pretty cool, but after checking out their Facebook page, we saw this picture and thought it would've been even better. Just our two cents on that.

Anyway, if you like O.C. Hardcore, then this is right up your alley. Straight up hardcore the way the gods intended. So glad these boys got together to make this band happen. You can get this E.P. along with their 2nd E.P.  "Shelf Life" on iTunes or feed your need to collect records and get the wax from Reaper Records. At least one of us here will be ordering one up. 


Friday, October 18, 2013

Exploited skull

For those of you who do not follow us on Instagram (and shame on you if you don't) we want to share this awesome sculpture that somebody made. Might be the coolest thing I've ever seen. 

Got this off of the official Exploited page on Facebook. Whoever made this needs to make another for my desk at work.Or at least for my nightstand.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Modern Life Is War, Night Birds, Wet Witch, Nervous Impulse @ Rock 'N Roll Hotel Oct 11, 2013

This past weekend the D.C. Sniper team ventured out to the Rock 'N Roll Hotel in Washington, D.C. to see the Night Birds. Neither one of us is all that familiar with Modern Life Is War, but we know of them and they were the headliner for the night. Opening for them was Nervous Impulse (D.C.) and Wet Witch (Who knows?).

Now, we don't know who put this show together, but Nervous Impulse kind of got shafted. I mean, we were two of maybe 11 or so people there. One could blame it on the shitty weather outside since it was pouring rain for three days straight or one could say that the show started a little too early. We think it was the latter.

Nervous Impulse

Anyway, they came out and played as if the place was full. We'll always give credit to bands that play regardless of the turn out for a show. I mean, it's gotta suck when there's only a few people around to watch you play. Quite frankly, their set could've been played in somebody's living room. If they were bummed by the turn out, they didn't really let it show. I seem to recall the singer greeting the crowd and the employees of RNR Hotel before their first song in a funny way. We dig this band and you can check out their s/t record that got repressed by Bridge 9 Records. It's worth it.

Nervous Impulse

Next up was Wet Witch and we don't know what to make of them? We have two different opinions on this band. I, just didn't get what they were going for and wasn't into it and he thinks they flat out suck balls. In any case, we're not quite sure why they were even on the bill in the first place? Just watch the video for yourself to see what they sound like.

Wet Witch

By the time they (Wet Witch) were done, the place had already started to fill up and thankfully the Night Birds were setting up. We don't hide the fact that we love this band. They, as usual, put on an energetic show and sounded fucking great. This band just doesn't disappoint. We and the rest of the place were singing along and pumping fists and finger pointing during their entire set. Or maybe it was just me? In any case, they kicked ass, as usual.

Night Birds

Oh and we finally got our hands on their latest LP - Born To Die In Suburbia and will be giving it many listens in the near future. They played a couple of songs that we weren't familiar with, so we assumed that it was the new stuff. The first video below has an intro that goes into "Born To Die In Suburbia" and it sounds pretty sweet.

Night Birds

Night Birds

Last, but certainly not least, was Modern Life Is War. Again, we don't know much about this band, but they put on a solid show and the people were eating it up. Apparently, they broke up some time ago and are now reunited with their original line up for this tour and a new record.

Modern Life Is War

They made an impression on me and I plan on checking them out. I think they have a few albums under their belts on top of their new one that is out/or coming out. We're obviously late to the party. Check the video.

Modern Life Is War

All in all, the show was fun, but we both could've done without Wet Witch.


PS: Sorry for the less than stellar quality of the photo's and video's. Neither one of us is using Nikon's and zooming in 10,000x to get that perfect shot. We're too old and lazy for that stuff.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Coke Bust - Confined 12"

Now, we don't have this record yet, but a mutual friend of ours just got his and is letting us listen to it. Ordinarily we would wait to get our own copy and listen to it and do a review of sorts, but something caught our attention today that we just had to address. That something is STUPID PEOPLE.

Yes, we know that they're everywhere and that they continue to pollute our population by breeding with each other. But that doesn't mean that we aren't going to continue to call them out for their stupidity. 

Case in point, the new Coke Bust LP is only 9 minutes long. That's right, ONLY 9 MINUTES LONG. Go ahead and let that sink in for a minute, because apparently, there are some people out there that are bitching about it being too short for an LP. Check out this post that the band made about this outlandish crime against hardcore.

"Your new record is too short. Why is it only 9 minutes?" - We've seen this a few times. Here's why: We played our songs faster in the studio than we did at practice, less is more, we play short sets and put out short records and we trimmed the fat and only put on songs that we really liked. We believe in the "short, fast and loud" philosophy. Our 7"s are four minutes and our 12"s are nine. We think the artwork and packaging (including an enormous poster) warrant the larger format. If you disagree, that's fine. The record is streaming for free on Bandcamp :). Please direct all duration-related complaints to our award-winning customer service department over at Grave Mistake Incorporated!

Let me get this straight, you're bitching because Coke Bust put out a record that they are proud to put out to shlubs like you and not put out a record with a bunch of songs that they feel aren't their strongest. Holy shit, what a bunch of fucking assholes they are! Somebody put out an A.P.B. to promoters everywhere and tell them not to book these guys when they go on tour because they put out LP's that only are only 9 minutes long.

Listen up douche bags, you guys should be thanking Coke Bust AND Grave Mistake Records for putting out a great product. Not only is the record fucking bad ass so far, but the label gives you all kinds of little goodies to go with your purchase. We took this picture of what our friend got with his purchase and we can't wait to order our own copies.

That poster is big. Like, really big. (Insert "that's what she said" line here.) Plus some promo stuff for a zine called "Mosher's Delight", which we're not familiar with, but we will be getting our hands on a copy of it sometime soon. Record label sticker, download code for the record, promo's for a couple of other things. And most importantly, a great looking record cover, insert and color vinyl to boot. If you're going to bitch about spending $12 for all this, then you're a MORON. Please walk the plank and take your bitching with you.
