Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Done Dying

Done Dying is a band that has been popping up on the radar for a few months now and what better time than now to check them out. It features Dan O'Mahony, Mike Hartsfield, Chris Lohman and Kevin Panter and they have put together an E.P. titled "Dressed For Distress".

Now, we've always been fan's of Dan's lyrics and this release does not disappoint. The man just knows how to put words to paper and deliver with power. The first song "Dressed For Distress" has a total "fuck you" vibe to it and we can't get enough of it. We here at D.C. Sniper can appreciate what he's talking about with this track. "Some motherfucker who is half my age and decides my fate. Some motherfucker who can bottom line my entire life." Not so sure we would necessarily get the message when we were teenagers, but as adults, it hits home.

The artwork for this E.P. is pretty cool, but after checking out their Facebook page, we saw this picture and thought it would've been even better. Just our two cents on that.

Anyway, if you like O.C. Hardcore, then this is right up your alley. Straight up hardcore the way the gods intended. So glad these boys got together to make this band happen. You can get this E.P. along with their 2nd E.P.  "Shelf Life" on iTunes or feed your need to collect records and get the wax from Reaper Records. At least one of us here will be ordering one up. 


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