Friday, December 27, 2013

R.I.P. Carl The Mosher

The hardcore world loses another member. Carl The Mosher of Underdog and The Icemen fame has passed away this morning. It's a damn shame and our thoughts go out to his family and friends. R.I.P.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Red Hare LP for Christmas?! WOOHOO!

Hopefully your Christmas or Hanukkah has been good for all of you. Mine was pretty sweet when I got this record as a gift. I have never gotten anything hardcore related for Christmas, so this was a total surprise. I got the Red Hare - Nites Of Midnite LP.

Now, the other half of the D.C. Sniper team is a big Swiz fan, but I am not. Matter of fact, I'm not a fan at all. Couldn't tell you why? Just didn't do it for me. I might have to give it another chance after listening to Red Hare. I've now listened to it a couple of times and I really like it. The first song "Horace" has got me hooked and sets an awesome tone for the rest of the songs on here. The band sounds great and Shawn Brown's vocals compliment the music perfectly.

I love the artwork on the record cover and sleeve. Definitely creative. As you can see mine came on red which is pretty cool. I hear the current pressing is on blue with a blue cover. (I am currently fighting the urge to get that record too. But I'm a record collecting nerd!) Anyway, thanks to Dischord and Hellfire for putting out this album. It's a solid release that is not coming off of my record player anytime soon.

I wish I had gotten my hands on this LP months ago, but I was a slacker. Then again, the other half of the D.C. Sniper Team didn't get it either, but I think it's because he's too busy listening to Morrissey on Pandora. LAME!


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Caught In A Crowd - The Fight

This new piece of wax came into our hands and we couldn't wait to give it a listen. This is Caught In A Crowd from Massachusetts and this is their debut 7" called "The Fight". We missed seeing these guys a few months ago in D.C. and after listening to this record, we immediately regret that.

The record has five songs that sound like straight up hardcore. Something about this reminds us of the Carry On "Roll With The Punches 7". In any case, if you like late 90's/early 2000's hardcore, then this should be in your possession. Because this record kicks ass and makes me wanna stage dive. (Then again, neither one of us is doing any diving these days. Not unless they have a paramedic in the building in case we throw out our backs.)

REACT! put this fantastic record out and you should get your hands on it right away. Or you could just download it from iTunes. In any case, Massachusetts officially has another great band on it's roster. They're right up there with Boston Strangler and No Tolerance. Those three bands playing on the same bill would be a pretty awesome show if you ask us.
