Wednesday, July 23, 2014

CORROSION OF CONFORMITY -"Tarquinius Superbus" [Lyric Video]

It's another slow day at the office and the D.C. Sniper Team is passing the time with texts about C.O.C. and their new album. And whether or not they could possibly put out anything that will hold a candle to their early material. Their first three albums are just full of hits, there's no denying that. Eye For An Eye, Technocracy and Animosity are just all around greats. But then the 90's and beyond brought us Blind, Deliverance, Wiseblood and some others. None of those did anything for us and then we just forgot about them still being around.

Then, from out of nowhere, they announced that they were going to be doing a tour playing Animosity as the three piece that recorded it. We would've liked to have seen that tour since neither one of us has ever gotten to see them, but we missed out. I would be curious to hear how those shows went.

Now, I'm seeing that they have released a new album called IX and I had to satisfy my curiosity. Maybe I've been missing out this whole time? In any case, I'm going to give this new album a chance. They have a video for a song called "Tarqinius Superbus" and my first impression of this song is that
it's not bad. Pretty solid rock song, BUT it's about three minutes too long. The whole jam session that is going on in the song bored me. On the bright side, I'm happy to see that Mike Dean is singing for the band again. In my opinion, he should've always been the vocalist for the band. He just sounds awesome. Then I heard some more songs on this album and got bummed...

Again, I haven't heard anything by them in years, so maybe this nothing new for the band. But the first two songs on here sound weird to me. I mean, he's actually "singing". I thought that it was someone else for a second, but no. Sure enough, it's him. If someone had played me the songs from this album and said, guess who this is? I would never, in a million YEARS, guess that it was C.O.C. Anyway, there are a couple of hard hitting songs on here, but for the most part, it's these bluesy rock songs that are not what I'd expect from the band that brought us songs like "Mad World", "Technocracy" and "Indifferent".

Overall, I am not a fan of this record. There are a couple of songs that I can hang with like "Denmark Vesey", "The Nectar" and "Tarquinius Superbus" but for the most part, it's just not my thing. Maybe it will grow on me? In the mean time, I'm gonna go listen to Eye For An Eye, Six Songs With Mike Singing, Technocracy and Animosity. In that order.


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