Friday, September 19, 2014

Love getting surprises like this

Malvo has put yours truly on blast recently with talk about my lack of commitment to this blog of ours. First of all, I'm not the one geeking out like a 14 year old over a video game. (That game is Destiny by the way.) I get some righteous jams to listen to and this slacker is playing video games. He is a total man-child. I should get in touch with his boss and let him know what he does when he works from home...

So let me tell you about the gift that just showed up in my email. A compilation that apparently is not available in the States yet, but features a couple of bands that we have talked about on here. The comp is called "Stomp-I-Lation" and has 7 songs from Boston Strangler, 9 songs from Waste Management and 9 songs from Peacebreakers.

First off, I don't know if this download is just a bad quality or if the recording is just not great. But as good as these songs are by Boston Strangler, the sound of it leaves something to be desired. Sounds all muddy. But these songs are fucking sweet! This should be their next 7" if it isn't already.They kick off the comp with "Dead Weight" and it sets an awesome tone for the rest of their songs. Fucking love this band.

Next up is Waste Management and the recording sounds a lot better. Which makes me wonder about the Boston Strangler part of this comp... Anyway, these songs by Waste Management are pretty killer. I personally like the hockey reference in "Hurts Tu(Kka R)Ask / Power Abuse". It starts with the beginning of "Hurts To Ask" by Chain Of Strength, but immediately goes into Power Abuse. I'm a big fan of the power violence style and this band knows how to do it well.

Third and final band on this comp is Peacebreakers and I've never heard of them. I'd ask Malvo if he knows anything about them, but the last time I talked to him, he was going on and on about a Deadpool movie being made. Fucking nerd!

Peacebreakers are rad! I don't know if they're from Boston like the other two bands on this comp, but they sure sound like it. The weird thing about their contribution to this comp is that they only have two studio recordings and the rest of the songs are live. I can tell you this much, they sound good live. If anybody has any info on these guys, please send them our way.

All in all, this comp is pretty crucial. Thanks to my boy for hooking me up with this. Great way to kick start my Friday. According to my friend, it's only available to our European friends at the moment. I assume on vinyl. Hopefully this gets a vinyl release in the States sometime soon.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Second chance listen: Soul Side

It's been a while since our last entry, but we can assure you that we're not being lazy. Well, maybe Adult Crash is being lazy. I mean, who puts his career, family and responsibilities over doing this blog? He does! Selfish bastard...

Anyway, I saw an ad from Dishord promoting a re-issue of Soul Side's album Trigger and Bass/103. Now, neither one of us was into them during their hay day, but I'm gonna give it another chance. Notice I said, "I" would give it another chance. Adult Crash is blaming his work and family schedule on not participating in this entry. Pssh slacker.

First couple of songs are pretty catchy and I'm really digging Bobby Sullivan's vocals. But the song that grabs me right away is "Name In Mind". This song kicks ass! I've now listened to this song like 10 times in a row. It's a little moody with some attitude in the vocals and the music just rocks. Holy crap, how did I not appreciate this years ago?

I've now turned off "Repeat Song" and continuing with the rest of the album and "Problems Faced When Traveling" is just as good! I'm beginning to see why people are getting excited about a possible reunion show for them this year. If that in fact happens, I can assure you that I will be there.

I've now listened to this entire release and I love it! I have their 7" somewhere and I know I probably listened to it like once or twice and never bothered with it again. Gonna have to find that bad boy and make sure I didn't use it as a coaster or something equally stupid.
