Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Second chance listen: Soul Side

It's been a while since our last entry, but we can assure you that we're not being lazy. Well, maybe Adult Crash is being lazy. I mean, who puts his career, family and responsibilities over doing this blog? He does! Selfish bastard...

Anyway, I saw an ad from Dishord promoting a re-issue of Soul Side's album Trigger and Bass/103. Now, neither one of us was into them during their hay day, but I'm gonna give it another chance. Notice I said, "I" would give it another chance. Adult Crash is blaming his work and family schedule on not participating in this entry. Pssh slacker.

First couple of songs are pretty catchy and I'm really digging Bobby Sullivan's vocals. But the song that grabs me right away is "Name In Mind". This song kicks ass! I've now listened to this song like 10 times in a row. It's a little moody with some attitude in the vocals and the music just rocks. Holy crap, how did I not appreciate this years ago?

I've now turned off "Repeat Song" and continuing with the rest of the album and "Problems Faced When Traveling" is just as good! I'm beginning to see why people are getting excited about a possible reunion show for them this year. If that in fact happens, I can assure you that I will be there.

I've now listened to this entire release and I love it! I have their 7" somewhere and I know I probably listened to it like once or twice and never bothered with it again. Gonna have to find that bad boy and make sure I didn't use it as a coaster or something equally stupid.


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