Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A skatepark at the Kennedy Center? I gotta see this...

From time to time I will go into downtown Washington, D.C. and hit up a museum. You know, so I can look all sophisticated and stuff. This past weekend was no different. Except that I was going to a skate park that was built in front of the Kennedy Center. That's right, The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The place where you can see The Book of Mormon and where famous people go to receive a prestigious award. Anyway, I took some photo's and figured I'd share them with you guys and gals out there that are into skate boarding.  

People Watching 

The weather was gloomy and rainy and they weren't letting anybody in to skate or sit on the bleachers. Mind you, the bleachers were about 30 ft away from the action. I fail to see anybody was gonna get hurt way over there. Oh well, no big deal to me, I could wait. However, the little whippersnappers that were there to skate could not stand to wait. This is a little of what I had to suffer through for about 45 minutes.

Young punk #1: This is bullshit man! They won't let us skate or even watch! I don't have all day to wait!
Young punk #2: Man, my mom said that she was gonna pick me up around 3:30 and I won't have much time to skate. These guys suck!
Young punk #3: Why are those old guys allowed to skate and not us?! Look at them, they suck!
Young punk#1: No shit man, look at that dude, he can't even grind the lip for more than 2 ft.
Young punk #3: If they don't open this shit up, I'm just going to sneak in

45 minutes of whining from these little shitheads. I moved away from these kids because I was sick of the bitching, but they somehow managed to follow me around the whole place. Fuck me... Thankfully, the staff opened up the gates and let us all in. After all that bitching these kids better put on a show since they were talking so much shit about the "old guys" in there. And to be fair, they were good. Not great, but good. Not good enough to be saying that these older guys "suck". But that's just my opinion. Anyways, enjoy. - Malvo


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