Saturday, July 30, 2016

Sheer Terror - Standing Up For Falling Down

Malvo here and it's a rainy Saturday afternoon in our area. While Adult Crash is being daddy of the year, I am enjoying a killer mail day. I am now the proud owner of the latest Sheer Terror LP titled Standing Up For Falling Down. Now, I'm a big fan of Sheer Terror, but Crash isn't. But that's okay because I love the band enough for the both of us.
Let me first say that I hesitated in getting this record because I was convinced that it couldn't be as good as their earlier stuff. I mean, it's the first album they've recorded in 18 years! Well, all my worries were put to rest pretty fucking quick with the opening track Heartburn in G. Mama fucking Mia! This album comes out of the gate hauling ass! I'm listening to this record as I work on this entry and 4 songs in and I'm blown away. Fucking great stuff here. I feel like the 15 year old me when I first heard the Thanks Fer Nuthin LP. Just all around killer songs on here. I've always loved how Paul changes up his vocals on some songs. Did You Just Meet Me is a perfect example of that range that he has.

The lyrics are what you'd expect from Paul Bearer, pissed, heartbroken and frustrated. This album sounds so angry that it makes me happy. My lady friend just rolled her eyes at that one. Ah what does she know? While she may not be a fan of Sheer Terror, she can appreciate good artwork and we both love the cover art for this record. Opening the cover up was more of the same. I've said this many times, but I love when bands have cool artwork with their records. I love live shots as much as the next guy, but stuff like this is just different and cool at the same time.

But enough of me gushing over the greatness that is Sheer Terror. Let me throw it over to Adult Crash for his take. I just sent him a youtube clip of the album and he has responded. Surely he will offer up something insightful unlike my lady friend here who thinks it sucks.

"Meh. It's palatable. It's not Just Can't Hate Enough, that's for sure. But you're also asking a guy who doesn't often like bands 20 years after their heydays (with a few exceptions). And I was never a huge Sheer Terror fan to begin with."

Palatable?! Meh?! What in the wide world of sports is he talking about? I'm surrounded by a couple of know-nothings. Unfortunately, one of those know-nothings is my partner in crime for this blog and the other snuggles up next to me all the time. Their opinions on music are officially suspect!


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

New Dag Nasty 7"

You know, it's been a couple of years since we got to see Dag Nasty play at the Black Cat. And they have been busy ever since with more shows across the country and abroad. Then we got word that Dischord was putting out a new 7" for them and we were intrigued.

Well, we got our hands on it a while back and I have to say that I like it. A lot! It's only 2 songs, but if they plan on putting out more material like this, then we are all in for a treat. Cold Heart is my favorite of the two, but Wanting Nothing is also killer. In my opinion, this is the best stuff they have put out since Can I Say. That's right, Can I Say. I wasn't a big fan of the stuff after that album. However, I started listening to Wig Out At Denkos recently and I may have to change my opinion on that. For now, I stand by my statement that this is the best since Can I Say. Adult Crash disagrees with me though. Shocking, I know.

Adult Crash here and I have to say that I am a bigger fan of Dag Nasty than Malvo is. He's stuck on one album by them and can't open his eyes to anything else. These two new songs are so much better than the post-Dag stuff they did in the 90's/00's. I have no problem with the Cortner years it's just a different flavor. The second version of "Under Your Influence" is worth it solely for the "12 ounces of courage...and I'm feeling fine!"

If you're listening to anything after Can I Say objectively, it's solid stuff. If you're listening to them thinking "that's not Dave Smalley" of course you're not going to like it. This new 7" has me excited for more new songs from them.

First of all, I am not hung up on only Can I Say. I happen to like the stuff with Shawn Brown preceding Can I Say. (Yes, I realize they're the same songs, but still!) Adult Crash will have you believe that I only like Dave Smalley's vocals, but that's just not the case. I wasn't into Minority of One. I just wasn't into the other albums musically. Having said all that, this new 7" is very promising and hopefully this means they have more new material on the way.

I'm pretty sure they're overseas at the moment, so if they come to your town, do yourselves a favor and check them out. You won't be disappointed. And if you haven't gotten the new 7" from Dischord Records, you're missing out!


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Nails - You Will Never Be One of Us

Adult Crash and I really want to focus on hardcore punk bands with this blog, but today is going to be different. Crash and I don't agree on everything and grind-core music is one of those things. And Morissey. But recently, I came across this video of a band by the name of Nails and I was blown away.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that one of my favorite guitar players from the left coast was fronting the band, Todd Jones. That guy has played in some solid bands over the years like Carry On, Internal Affairs, Betrayed and Terror, to name a few.And he's a swell guy that we've both met and talked to over the years.

Now, Crash is not a fan of grind-core. I don't know why? It's only awesome and all. But he did have this to say when I asked him to give this a listen.

Adult Crash: I actually saw this video a while back and there's no denying the craft. It's tight and executed flawlessly, as you'd expect anything with Todd Jones to be. But it's just not my flavor. I'm not surprised to see him doing a band like Nails. The guy is such a talented guitarist / musician.

Crash is right, the guy is crazy talented. I went ahead and ordered their newest album You Will Never Be One Of Us from iTunes and it was been played over and over again for the last few days. The title track is the opener on this album and it was the perfect way to start the musical assault on my senses.

The album sounds great and delivers repeated punches to the gut with each song on it. My favorite song on here is a short, but sweet medley called Friend To All. But almost all the songs on this album are short and sweet. I haven't been this excited for a grind-core band in a long time. And I know they have played the Maryland Deathfest before and I believe they're playing it again. In which case, I plan on going up to see them. If you're into music that makes you want to lose your shit, then check these guys out. It won't disappoint.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Another hardcore legend has passed away.

Malvo here and today officially sucks the back of my balls. I was about to call my mom up and wish her a happy mother's day and I see that John Stabb of G.I. lost his battle with stomach cancer. What the fuck is with 2016 taking all these musical legends from us? Sigh...

Allow me to share a story with you about Stabb. I remember standing on a street corner a couple of years ago on my way to a show and some guy and lady walked up next to me waiting to cross the street. I looked over and did a double take and realized it was John Stabb standing next to me. I proceeded to bombard him with my love of him and G.I. like a prepubescent boob. The guy couldn't have been more down to earth upon hearing a grown man gush over him like I did. He thanked me for the praise and asked me what my name was? I almost told him that I was Malvo from the D.C. Sniper blog (gotta promote you know) but instead I told him my real name and he introduced me to his lady. As it turns out, they were going to the show too. I want to say that it was a Damaged City show, but I could be wrong. In any case, I can safely say that I was in fanboy heaven on that street corner. The guy was talking about a couple of bands that he was looking forward to seeing at the show which was pretty cool too. It was only two minutes, but it felt like an hour walking across the street with him and talking about G.I.

Anyway, it's a damn shame that he has passed away. He is gone too soon. Coincidentally, there is a benefit show for him tonight at the Black Cat with Thurston Moore, J. Robbins and Give. Don't know if he would've been able to attend this show in his honor, but you still can. I believe tickets are still available at


Friday, February 5, 2016

Record reviews

It's 2016 and it's taken me a full month to get off my ass and do an entry. I wanted to do something sooner because I didn't care for Adult Crash putting me on blast with his end of the year entry. Clearly my friend has no sympathy for someone that is dealing with a stomach bug and explosive... well, you know.

Anyway, a while back I got to see Fuck You Pay Me at The Pinch in Washington DC. They were great and I immediately picked up their new LP titled "Public Disgrace" when they finished their set. The album cover is pretty cool with a picture of earth wearing a gas mask and the state of Ohio in one eye and the Russian hammer and sickle in the other. I love creative artwork like this because it grabs your attention right away. 

Let me first say that I was greatly disappointed when I got home to see that there was no download code for this record. Total bummer! (I found out later that you can get it on iTunes). Despite that, I put that record on my turntable and played it over and over and over again for weeks. This record fucking shreds! 

Beyond the kickass tunes, the songs cover so many different topics. Topics like daddy issues to reality tv to bands that have an insane amount of merch to sell at shows. They even do a cover of Religious Wars by the Subhumans. This may be blasphemy to some of you, but I think this cover is way better than the original. I tried to get into the Subhumans years back and I wasn't feeling it. At the end of the day, if you haven't listened to anything by this band, you're missing out! 

Adult Crash wants to add his two cents to this record. 

Erba sounds like the Heir Apparent to Choke from Slapshot. Same strangling vocals. Same plain-spoken nuclear lyrics. In regards to a song like Daddy Issues? Erba needs to be a little pickier with his Tinder dates. None of that would've happened if he had only gone through eHarmony. All in all, Malvo is right, this record is great. 

Let me continue our little record review with the new World Be Free Lp. Malvo and I are split on this one. Allow me to give you my thoughts on this one first. 

No doubt these guys are old hands at hardcore. It's clean and well-produced, which is why I probably find it sterile and boring. For me, when it comes to hardcore, the beauty has always been in the blemishes, listening to new musicians figure things out as they go along. It's why I tend to like demos and debut EP's over more polished later releases in the discographies of many bands I've followed over the the years. 

With World Be Free, these guys all know the formula for hardcore on a larger indie like Rev and because of that, I don't hear anything remotely new or interesting that makes my ears perk up. In fact, I'm all but certain I'd find the recordings from their practice space (if there are any) more interesting than these songs - because at that stage of the writing process, I'm certain things were much more organic and whole. Like potatoes vs. potato chips. 

Like Adult Crash said, we are split on this one, but not by much. I agree with him that it's really polished and lacks any rawness. Kinda like everybody's favorite debate of which Gorilla Biscuits record is better? The 7" or the LP? It's obvious to anybody with any common sense that it's the 7". Not that the LP isn't any good, but the 7" is just that much better because it's not so clean. 

Having said all that, I am digging this record. At first I was a little iffy about the vocals, but by the time that I got to the end of the record...I was putting it on again to listen to. I like Scott's vocals in Terror, but he sounds a little different here. Not in a bad way, but I guess I just didn't know what to expect? I got this record without listening to any promos of it. I just knew that there was some supergroup that people were talking about that was on Revelation. I wanted to be surprised and I was. Pleasantly surprised to be exact. Is it the record of 2016? Too soon to tell, but it's not a bad way to start the year. Check them out and see for yourself. 


Thursday, December 31, 2015

Year in review 2015

Adult Crash here for our final entry of 2015. While Malvo is out and about making a fool of himself on this New Years Eve, I am at home watching this Alabama vs Michigan State game.

I wanted to take this opportunity to put in another entry for another year of fun for you all. Yes, we had some more good times this year and yes, we're hoping for some more in the year to come. This year I introduced Malvo to a Morrissey cover band that he suffered through, but didn't suffer enough because he was mocking just about everybody in the place for enjoying some good music.

We also debated which record was better, the Gorilla Biscuits 7" or the 12"? Or D.R.I.'s Crossover or Dealing With It? All while Malvo was striking out with the bartender with his not so smooth moves. By the way, these are the correct answers. 

We also got introduced to a fantastic band from the U.K. called Violent Reaction. We both agree that they're one of the top 5 bands on Revelation these days. I'm pretty sure that Malvo is still kicking himself for missing them in D.C. a few months back. Some fan he is...

We also found out that Malvo should not be allowed to babysit your kids at his place. He mocks me for not having posters or records lying around my place for my kids to see, but meanwhile, he has them in his office for his nieces and nephews to see. And then he's worried about getting yelled at when they see disturbing images like this...

But I will give credit where credit is due. My boy gave you all a good rant about the silliness of people bitching about credit cards like these...

Seriously, who fucking cares? If you really think that "punk is officially dead" because of this, then you need to get your head examined. This will not stop kids from starting up new bands and doing their own thing for years to come. Get over yourselves. 

This year got me into a little bit of trouble with my wife when Malvo got himself a new record player with an MP3 connection. We spent 3 weekends in a row ripping records that we had no digital copies of. I asked him to rip the Misfits "12 Hits From Hell" LP and Malvo was all over it like a fat kid to a Twinkie. However, he also suggested that we rip the Borderline 7"... I question his taste in music sometimes.

This year also brought us a weird soap opera between John Stabb of G.I. and some former member that was posting weird stuff on Facebook as G.I. This went on for a couple of weeks and was somewhat entertaining to us. 

We also got to interview a swell guy by the name of Conner Donegan from Protester and a few other bands. We loved that Protester 7" so much that we had to talk to this young buck to see what was rattling around in his head. Malvo even got to see them play a couple of months ago in D.C. and he was making me jealous with his review. In any case, if you haven't heard Protester or Red Death or Genocide Pact, then you are missing out. These are some quality bands from the area that deserve your attention. Check them out! 

And lastly, Malvo got to see Fuck You Pay Me not too long ago. I'm glad he went so he could give me a review of how they were live. Too bad it cost him an arm and a leg with his girlfriend, but better him than me. Anyway, he said they were great and I wish I could've gone too, but no dice. 

All in all 2015 was a good year. It also marks 2 years of us doing this blog and I hope that we continue doing it for years to come. I mean where else are you going to hear funny stories about a 40 something acting like a casanova to a bartender and getting shot down? Or how that same 40 something shit his pants coming back from a show? That's right, Malvo shit his pants in 2015. He was too embarrassed by this and refused to talk about it in the blog even though I thought it would make for a great story. Well, since he's out and about acting like Frank the Tank at some bar, I will share this nugget with you. I mean what's he going to do? Tell you all who I am? Not likely since it would reveal who he is too. 

Anyway, remember that Morrissey show that we went to in Baltimore? Well, we were cruising back from that show and he insisted on going out on the town. I couldn't go since I had to get back to the family, so I dropped him off at U Street. He knows people there and there's plenty of places to get a drink. Well, he sends me a text the next day to tell me that he had a crazy night in a not so good way. Turns out, he went out and had some jumbo slice at the end of the night that did not sit well with him. He eventually got on the train to go home and as he put it "had a war between races in his gut." I'm already laughing at the hardcore reference there, but I knew there would be a pay off later, so I restrained my laughter for then. 

So he's on his way home and it's late. Like 3AM late and there's nothing open going into VA. He finally gets to his stop in the hopes that he can use the bathroom. But to his horror, it was out of service. He says that he goes into the parking garage looking for a private area that he could, again, in his own words, "unleash the fury." HAHAHA 

In his infinite wisdom, he did it near an exit of the parking garage. Just outside of the meters that you pay to get out. Apparently, as he was doing his business, a car was coming through the exit and two women looked over and saw him "doing the nasty." They drove through and he remembers one of them saying something along the lines of "oh my god, he's taking a shit!" 

This did not deter him and he proceeded to remove his undies all together to wipe and then walk home. Mind you, he doesn't exactly live within walking distance of the stop. Its about 3 miles away, but again, as he put it, "there was no way a cabbie was going to let Doo Doo Brown get into his car." 


He can never dispute this story because I have the texts to prove it. HA! 

Happy new year everybody! 


Sunday, December 20, 2015

How record shopping turned into a Christmas Miracle!

It's been a while since we've done anything here. Adult Crash has been busy with the family over this holiday season and I've been busy with work. Neither one of us has done much of anything for the last two and a half months. Getting old sucks. For Crash, that trend continues. For yours truly, things got interesting yesterday.

My girlfriend and I were planning on seeing Star Wars last night, but I convinced her to go record shopping with me beforehand. We stop by Crooked Beat and I found a copy of the Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine - Enhanced Methods of Questioning LP. Solid find for our first stop.

After that purchase, I drag her up the street to Smash! to see if I can find something else and lo and behold, I found the newest pressing of the Turning Point Discography by Think Fast Records. I've seen a lot of people talking about this release being killer, but I had no idea why? Well, as it turns out, there's more songs on here. Awesome! At this point, my girl is giving me the, can we go now look. Okay fine. I pay up and we're on our way to geek out over Star Wars.

BUT WAIT! What do I see out of the corner of my eye as we walk out the door? This flyer...


Now, I've already got plans to see Star Wars with my girl after the record shopping, but Fuck You Pay Me is in town! They played Baltimore some time ago and I missed it, but I couldn't pass this up. I mean they were less than 10 blocks away and the doors had already opened. I proceed to beg my girlfriend to delay our Star Wars plans. I even reverted to child-like begging with something along the lines of "if you let me go see FYPM it can be my christmas present and my birthday present for this year! She was less than thrilled about it, but she agreed. Certain details were hammered out and away we go!

She drops me off and I walk in to a packed house of people. Apparently, the show had a late start so I didn't miss anything! First up was Nuclear Age? I question this because at the end of their set the singer said they were Heatwave. Maybe a name change? Who knows? Anyway, they sounded pretty good. Nice mosh and they got a good response from the crowd. Wouldn't mind seeing more of them in the future. Their set was too short, but I still have to see Star Wars with my girl who is waiting sooooo. Next band please!

Next band up was looking like a reunion of The First Step. I was never a big fan of them. I know they were huge, but they just didn't do it for me. I ask a guy at the bar if it was supposed to be a reunion and he says "no, they're a new band called Union of Faith." Interesting.

They come on and I have to say that they sounded pretty good. People were losing their minds and moshing away. I think they had like 6 songs and I was impressed. However, I only saw cassettes for their demo which was disappointing. They finish their set with a Minor Threat cover of Betray. Great song, but I wish they hadn't done it. Not because they didn't do it justice, but because my girl was texting me asking if I was ready to go yet?

Finally, I see FYPM setting up and I'm getting excited. Before I go any further, let me tell you all how much this show is costing me. I have a girlfriend that is annoyed with me for delaying our visit to the movies to see Star Wars. She went off to a coffee shop to kill time while I wait for FYPM to come on. This great injustice is going to cost me about $250 for some place called Red Door Spa. Ouch...

Well, the band is ready to go and I move up a little closer so I can get a picture before retreating to the back again. You see, I also had to promise my girl that I wasn't going to emerge from this show a sweaty mess. She guaranteed that my gift certificate to her spa was going to cost me more money if she had to sit next to me in a theater smelling like a sweaty mess.

Well, they got things started with my favorite song, Fuck You Pay Me and the place went nuts. The band sounds great live and Erba is officially one of my favorite front men. His banter and lack of filter was priceless. He was interacting with people that were just standing around and just getting in your face for sing alongs through out their set. He's like a combination of Raybeez, Jimmy Gestapo and Jello Biafra all rolled into one. A little political with some funny banter and crowd control. Unfortunately, their set had to come to an end, but they left an impression on me. I immediately went and purchased their new LP and took off for my date night.

There were still a few more solid bands that played afterward, but there was no way I could blow off the entire night for a hardcore show. Not unless I wanted to be in the dog house for the rest of this fiscal year. I can only assume that the other bands tore that place up too.

Props to my girlfriend for giving me a playful jab when I got into the car and thanking her for her patience.

Her: You happy you got to see your show?
Me: Yeah, thanks babe. You're the best.
Her: Oh yeah? Fuck you, pay me!
Me: Well played...


Friday, September 25, 2015

Night Birds - Mutiny at Muscle Beach

Things have been a little quiet around the D.C. Sniper Headquarters due to vacations and work and overall laziness, but we're back. Not too long ago we saw an invitation to get an advanced copy of the upcoming Night Birds album and review it. Naturally, we jumped all over that invitation like a fat kid to a candy bar. And boy was that candy bar delicious!

The boys come out with both guns blazing on the opening track "I'm Wired" and transition right into "Life is Not Amusement For Me". Both songs make me want to circle pit around my car at red lights. So. Fucking. Good.

Anyway, after a week of listening to this album I would have to say that "In The Red/In The Black" is probably my favorite song on here, but that was last week. This week my new favorite song is  "Left In The Middle" and I can't get enough of it. I'm a sucker for sing-alongs. Songs like "King Kong" make me wish that I had the lyrics to this album because it sounds silly and great at the same time. Initially "Son of Dad" was a clunker to me, but I've warmed up to it real quick.

Overall this album is all around kick ass and as we've said before, this band seems to do no wrong. Everything from their cover art to their fun videos to their energetic shows and obviously the music, just show how lucky we are to have them around. Losing their drummer and moving on to a new label has not slowed these guys down one bit. They will be playing shows near you all somewhere and if I were you, I'd be going. Quite frankly, I plan on buying them a round or two of beers when I go to see them. - Malvo


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A skatepark at the Kennedy Center? I gotta see this...

From time to time I will go into downtown Washington, D.C. and hit up a museum. You know, so I can look all sophisticated and stuff. This past weekend was no different. Except that I was going to a skate park that was built in front of the Kennedy Center. That's right, The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The place where you can see The Book of Mormon and where famous people go to receive a prestigious award. Anyway, I took some photo's and figured I'd share them with you guys and gals out there that are into skate boarding.  

People Watching 

The weather was gloomy and rainy and they weren't letting anybody in to skate or sit on the bleachers. Mind you, the bleachers were about 30 ft away from the action. I fail to see anybody was gonna get hurt way over there. Oh well, no big deal to me, I could wait. However, the little whippersnappers that were there to skate could not stand to wait. This is a little of what I had to suffer through for about 45 minutes.

Young punk #1: This is bullshit man! They won't let us skate or even watch! I don't have all day to wait!
Young punk #2: Man, my mom said that she was gonna pick me up around 3:30 and I won't have much time to skate. These guys suck!
Young punk #3: Why are those old guys allowed to skate and not us?! Look at them, they suck!
Young punk#1: No shit man, look at that dude, he can't even grind the lip for more than 2 ft.
Young punk #3: If they don't open this shit up, I'm just going to sneak in

45 minutes of whining from these little shitheads. I moved away from these kids because I was sick of the bitching, but they somehow managed to follow me around the whole place. Fuck me... Thankfully, the staff opened up the gates and let us all in. After all that bitching these kids better put on a show since they were talking so much shit about the "old guys" in there. And to be fair, they were good. Not great, but good. Not good enough to be saying that these older guys "suck". But that's just my opinion. Anyways, enjoy. - Malvo


Monday, August 17, 2015

Interview - Connor Donegan

Some time last year we came across a 7" by a local band called Protester and the two of us were blown away. It was crazy good and we wanted to know more about the band since it showed only one person being responsible for it. After a few months of laziness (on our part) we decided to find the man responsible for these crucial jams and ask him a few questions.That man is none other than Connor Donegan. Enjoy the read.

1) Name, age and bands that you're in. 

Yo! My name is Connor, I'm 21 years young, and I make music with Protester, Red Death, Genocide Pact, and Semper Eadem.

2) What attracted you to hardcore? And who is your favorite band?
Punk was the first type of music that really clicked for me as a kid. Before my cousin showed me Green Day, I didn't really have much interest in music aside from liking a few Beatles songs that my mom would listen to. When I heard bands like Green Day, Rancid, Good Charlotte, and NOFX I immediately loved how intense the music was and how it made me feel like a lunatic. I got obsessed and started digging deeper and deeper and got into bands like The Ramones, Dead Kennedys, and The Clash, then eventually stuff like The FUs, Jerry's Kids, Gorilla Biscuits, etc. Green Day has remained my favorite band for 10+ years. No other band has had more of an impact on me, and I love almost every fucking song they've ever written and still listen to them more regularly than almost anything else. 

3) You came onto our radar with the Protester 7" (which rules by the way). Correct us if we're wrong, but you did the recording all on your own. Writing, singing and playing of the instruments. Right? How did that all come about? 

 Yeah, I play everything on the recordings. That whole thing came about because when I started writing the Protester demo I was living in North Carolina and people there arent really as into the X-Claim/early Rev stuff, plus nobody I knew was straight edge and I really wanted Protester to be an edge band. I decided to stick with the one man band recording formula just for simplicity's sake. It was easier to just get everything recorded as fast as possible before I started to hate the songs, ya know?

4) What's your favorite part of touring? And what was the best thing you ate while being on the road? 
I like everything about touring man. Getting to see new places, meeting tons of cool people, eating badass food, and obviously playing sick shows is the kinda shit I love to do. It's hard for me to pick a favorite thing about touring but for me it's probably all the sick food haha. My favorite places I've eaten at on tour are definitely La Reyna in LA, Pappy's BBQ in St. Louis, and Yambo in Miami. All of those spots are fucking ACE.

5) You guys get into any trouble on the road? Trouble with the law, fucking around at stores, houses, rest stops etc...
Haha not really. We're a pretty tame group of punk rockers I'd say.

6) What's the craziest thing you've seen on the road? 
I saw a guy die at a Wendys in Austin once. That was pretty fucked up. Me and my friend Ace saw this dude chilling in the bushes outside of the Wendys, then we went in and came out 10 minutes later and he was getting zipped up in a body bag. Super weird. 

Let me interrupt this interview for a second to say HOLY SHIT! Saw a guy die?! Fuck! 

7) What's the groupies situation like? Who's the ladies man?

Haaaaaa, nobody. Unfortunately I don't think playing Hardcore and Death Metal is really a super attractive thing to a lot of people... Haha.  

8) What do you listen to when you're not listening to hardcore? Maroon 5? One Direction? Taylor Swift? 

As of late, Oasis, Accept, and Trap shit like Zona Man and the new Boosie record have been in constant rotation. Oh and the new Royal Headache record. That shit is amazing.

9) If you could tour with any band that you haven't toured with already. Who would it be? 

Easy answer. No Tolerance.

10) Do you follow the Redskins and what do you think their record is gonna be like this season?

I like Football, but I'm honestly way too much of a space cadet to really follow sports. I used to be way better about it and I'm trying to get back in the game but we'll see what happens. I definitely hope the Skins have a good season but after watching a lot of the games last year I'm really not too hopeful... My guess is they go 5-11, which is better than they've done the last couple of years so lets see what happens.

11) What do you do for fun?

I've never had fun in my life. 

(Who couldn't have fun being in these bands?)

 12) What bands should two shlubs like us be listening to? 

Locally I think Stand Off, Pure Disgust, Turnstile, and Give are all killing it right now and if ya'll haven't checked those bands out yet I'd definitely recommend it. As far as out of town stuff goes, I think Blazing Eye, Fury, Chain Rank, Ajax, Barge, Impalers, Depths Of Reality, and Blood Pressure are all really great new(ish) bands doing cool shit. 2015 is a great time for Punk and Hardcore no doubt about it.

13) Any last words or shout outs?

Thanks for the interview! DC Hardcore rules. Shop at Joint Custody. Peace!

Many thanks to Connor for taking the time to talk to us. If you all haven't heard the bands that he's in, just mosey your ass on over to Bandcamp and look them up. Then drop a couple of bucks, download the music and be prepared to rip your face off. Props to another swell guy from the D.C. scene for keeping it real.
