Friday, January 25, 2013

Music review

Scouring Al Gore's internet for tunes has given me these two bands. 
First up is a band from D.C. called Human Shield and they have a 5 song demo that sort of reminds me of Citizen's Arrest. They have ex-members of Aftermath, Coke Bust, Sick Fix and current members of State Violence and Dealbreaker. It looks like I need to check out these other bands since i'm not familiar with all of them, but that's for another day. Vocally, the singer sounds like Paul Bearer if he lost his voice after a show. That might sound terrible, but it sounds great to me. They shred through these five songs in just under 6 minutes and that is right up my alley. I haven't seen anything about them playing out, but if I do, I can assure you that I will try to be there. You can check out this link and hear them for yourself, but they get a big thumbs up from me.
Next up is a band called Stonecutter and they have a 6 song demo that starts out pretty good, but by the time I get to the fourth song, i'm kinda tuning out. I will say that " The Will And The Way " is a pretty catchy tune that makes me wanna mosh and sing along. And I really dig the last song called  "Grim Repurcussions." The weird guitar sounds remind me of something Void would do. I would give it a solid thumbs up if they  just made it a 4 song demo, but that's just my two cents. There's no other info about this band that I can tell you, but check out the link to the songs.  

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