Friday, February 1, 2013

Stage potatoes...I can't stand you!

If you're not in a band that is playing that day or somebody that is taking pictures/filming the show, then why are you there? Do you just like to pose on stage in the hopes to get your picture on a record? Or do you think you look cool for being up there? Maybe it's just all about you! All I know is that it irks me to no end to see you up there taking up space. You're not part of the band, you're not a roadie, yet you feel the need to post your lame ass up on stage to do what? Sing along? Why don't you sing along with the rest of us little people on the floor?

If you don't want to be in the middle of a bunch of sweaty guys up front, then stand off to the side or in the back. I can understand not wanting to have people diving on you or possibly getting a fist or elbow to the face, but I defy anybody to give me a valid reason why they should be allowed up there. The only time it is acceptable is when the venue is too jam packed. I'll give you a pass on that, but any other're just lame.


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