Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ever look at an album and you just know that it's going to suck?

That was my thinking when I got this CD in the mail as a freebie with my purchase. The band in question is Dead Weight and their album is called "We've Seen Better Days." Now I know what you're thinking...This guy is a narrow minded asshole! But that's just not the case. The D.C. Sniper Team just knows that a sticker describing an album as "Raw, Punishing Hardcore with an Unapologetic Heaviness," is really code for "check out this album that we're going to pass off as a hardcore record, but is really a borderline death metal record." I defy anybody to name one, just one, classic hardcore record with that description on it's cover. Thought of one yet? Yeah, I didn't think so. That sticker screams of anything but hardcore. 

But to show you that I'm fair and open minded, I am going to give it a listen and tell you what I think... Hmmm. Yup. Exactly. Just as I suspected. Pure. 100%. Chugga Chugga. Metal. I can safely say that my suspicions were dead on. I've now listened to 10 of the 12 songs on this CD and it BLOWS. My old roommate would probably love this album and he is a big metal head. Dead Weight would fit right in at the Maryland Death Fest. Never heard of it? Look it up, it's pretty cool if you like death metal and grind core. But they would be one of the opening bands that I would totally skip to get some food or take a leak.


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