Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Another second chance listen - Reagan Youth Vol. 2

Let me first say that the D.C. Sniper team is in complete agreement that the early material by Reagan Youth is nothing short of great. If you have never heard anything by them, get your hands on Vol. 1 because it's a killer record. Songs like Reagan Youth, New Aryans and Degenerated are a couple of favorites, but that whole record is awesome.

But then they put out Vol. 2 and it was poor follow up to the greatness of their earlier material. I remember buying "A Collection Of Pop Classics" because it had both Vol. 1 and 2, and thinking to myself, "what the hell is this shit"? That album quickly became an abomination like "Staring Into The Sun" by Uniform Choice.

The first song was ok, but the rest of it just sucked to me. It was like a different band had recorded music under the name of Reagan Youth. It's probably been about 15 years since I've listened to this album, so let's see if my opinion has changed on this.

"It's A Beautiful Day" is a kick ass song! I'm really digging it. It could pass for some of their earlier material. "Jesus Was A Communist" and "Urban Savages" have a 70's rock sound to them and they are pretty sweet. "What Will The Neighbors Think" is a slow ballad kind of song and it's fucking great! 4 songs in and I'm loving this album. I am already kicking myself for not enjoying these songs all these years.

"Get The Ruler Out", "Brave New World" and "Miss America" all get a big thumbs up from me. "Heavy Metal Shuffle" sounds exactly like it's called and I am into it. "Queen Babylon", "Acid Rain" and "One Holy Bible" are ok. Not clunkers, but ok. Maybe they will grow on me. The last song "Back To The Garden" is an instrumental and I've had it on repeat for this entry. Song is good. Solid jam song that almost sounds like something that Black Sabbath would do.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm loving this album! Holy shit, how could I have been so wrong? I wish I could go back in time and smack myself upside the head for not giving this album another chance. Live and learn.


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