Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ian Mackaye on Urban Outfitters selling Minor Threat shirts

This story just blew up on the internet in the last couple of days and I figured I'd shoot my mouth off on it too. Ian Mackaye has managed to get people's panties in a bunch all over the world because Urban Outfitters in now selling official Minor Threat t-shirts and worse yet, they are being sold for $28 buckaroos.

My initial impression of this was, damn, why let them sell your shirts, Ian? I mean, why not let one of these merch companies sell it exclusively, like Merchnow? But then I decided to do something that most people that see this headline didn't bother to do and that was to READ THE ARTICLE. Some of the comments that I've read regarding this are breathtakingly stupid. 

Matt says: "But if the only place to buy a (legitimate, non-bootleg) shirt is a place that sells it for $28, then those people who are big enough fans who really want shirts will grind their teeth and pay it. What's absurd is that you* are making your t-shirts available through the store that sells them for $28, rather than some more reasonable source, and then acting like it's your audience who is unreasonable for paying it."

Hey moron, he didn't make an exclusive deal with Urban Outfitters, he made a deal with Tsurt and you can buy the shirt for $15 bucks here Urban Outfitters just happens to be able to sell it too and will be ripping off all the hipsters that shop there. 

Bill says: "if ian mackaye thinks the people selling his shirts are "absurd," and the prices are "ridiculous," and the people buying them (presumably fans) are "motherfuckers" then what does that make the guy who actually licensed the images/brand and makes a cut of the earnings?
a sanctimonious hypocritical douchebag, of course. can't have it both ways ian. if you're making money off expensive merch, own up to it. don't dismiss it as if you didn't have both hands directly in it.

Bill, your rant is idiotic and worse yet, you don't capitalize any words in your pathetic diatribe. All you have to do is push the "shift" button at the same time as the first letter of the word that you're starting a sentence with. Difficult to do, I know. Especially when you're talking out of your ass.

Shane says: "Ian, we understand that you "legitimized" your product here and bootleg groups are killing your wallet but come on dude... You are totally marketing to the wrong people. Thats all we need now is a bunch of hipsters and scene kids walking around with your shirt that have never owned a minor threat album in their lives. Weak. I used to work at Urban and I can tell you that this is a mistake lol."

Listen up, Shane. Ian isn't aggravated with bootleg groups killing his wallet, he's aggravated with people using his band to make a buck. Repeat after me "I. Am. So. Stupid." But I will agree with you that a bunch of hipsters, who have never heard a Minor Threat album, wearing a Minor Threat shirt is totally weak.

Skye says: "so he recognizes how shitty of a company UO is but doesn't care because he wants to make money off his shirts... i think that's even worse then just being ignorant of it. fuck ian mackaye anyway, ugh"

Skye, Skye, Skye...You're just a flaming idiot. 

The other half of the D.C. Sniper team says: If anyone is going to profit from the sale of Minor Threat shirts, it may as well be Dischord Records. 

This wouldn't be necessary if the DIY community that Ian champions didn't exploit his bands by bootlegging their merch. Pretty sure the money made from bootlegged merch isn't going anywhere but in the pockets of those who produced it. 

I have no problem with this. It's over 20 years past the decree of the $5 show. If you think $28 for a t-shirt is too high, don't buy one.

Out of all the musicians in the world who deserve shit for gouging, Ian Mackaye is NOT one of them. His contributions to the scene as a whole get him one of many free passes he is deservedly entitled to. 

Well said partner. 


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