Monday, January 13, 2014

Fuck You, Pay Me 2013 Demo

Well, Christmas came early! Or late, whatever. We have stumbled onto a new band. (Actually, they've been around since early last year, but that's neither here nor there.) The band is called Fuck You, Pay Me and this demo that they have kicks ass! Like huge dinosaur ass. Holy smokes!

The band is fronted by Cleveland's own Tony Erba and I can't believe more people aren't talking about them? They have a two song demo that is 4 minutes of some great, lose your mind hardcore. I replayed the first song "Fuck You, Pay Me" like 10 times after the first time. Fucking song just shreds! The other half of the team thinks he sorta sounds like Choke on Last Rights. I can see what he means.

The second song titled "Factory Of Sadness" is another great tune. It's all about Cleveland and not in a good way. The line "Drive down East 55th street, the vendors sell quality crack" should give you an idea of what I mean. There's also an Albert Belle reference that made me laugh. My only complaint about the demo is that it's only two songs. We want more! Thankfully, there's an interview where Erba talks about an LP in the hopefully near future. Looking forward to that.

We both dig this band and love seeing another old timer putting out some new jams. The demo is streaming for free on Bandcamp, but you should spend a couple of bucks and download the thing. Support, support, support! It's fucking good!


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