Thursday, February 6, 2014

Murphy's Law reissues

Murphy's Law is easily one of the greatest bands in NYHC history. And we noticed that they're getting their first two records reissued on some new colors and with some new shirts. They're even releasing a cd for both albums that has an extra track on each one. Pretty sweet!

But what is that thing on the corner of my screen? You see it? The icon that has nothing to do with a band like Murphy's Law or hardcore in general. That fucking Bulldog that represents Victory Records. That worthless label has gotten their shitty hands into another great hardcore band. Bad Brains, Warzone and now Murphy's Law. Ugh.

But we're looking past that. Good for Murphy's Law. They've been around the block and then some. You can't find their stuff on iTunes and Amazon and it's not like Profile is going to put it out. Or maybe they would and then rip off the band. In any case, this is great for Murphy's Law. Of all the reissues that've been coming out over the last few years, these two are long overdue. So head on over to to get your hands on these new goodies by one of New York's finest. 


Hold the phone! The other half of the team has just admitted something to me that he has never shared before. I think he may be coming down with a flu or something because he just said that the only Murphy's Law record that matters is the first one. I think my delusional friend needs some medical attention. 

Listen to this rambling - Back With A Bong, to me sounds like a b-side blooper reel of the S/T LP. And Panty Raid is a cheap imitation of "Fight for your right" by the Beastie Boys. I like Murphy's Law, but to me, that first album is the only one that matters. (If only you could see my stunned face after that.) 

So to recap, I'm the only one that thinks they're great and my senile partner only likes the first record. See if I invite his ass over to my next Crucial BBQ. 


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