Tuesday, June 3, 2014

12"s that should be 7"s

It's good to be back! I see that Adult Crash has been sharing his thoughts with you all about Beyond (yawn) at BNB and his disdain for hardcore clothes on your kiddies. (I gotta agree with him on that.) But, I'm back to shoot my mouth off on stuff that came to mind while I was away. 

Case in point, while I was soaking up some rays on the beach with my lady friend, my iTunes "accidentally" started playing some D.Y.S. Now, this album is considered to be a hardcore classic. But I've always been of the opinion that it could be cut down to a 7". I mean, you could 86 "City to City", "The Girl's Got Limits", "Escape" and "Wolfpack". That's right. I said it. "Wolfpack" can go!

Humor me for a second before you dismiss me as somebody that has just gone off the deep end. Imagine how crucial of a 7" that Brotherhood could be with songs like "Open Up", "More Than Fashion", "Circle Storm", "Brotherhood", "Yellow", "Stand Proud" and "Insurance Risk"! Not only would the record have a fantastic record cover, but it would be loaded with seven amazing songs!

Instead, we're stuck with a 12" that features absolute garbage-songs like "City To City", "The Girl's Got Limits" and "Escape". I could see "Wolfpack" as a single or as something featured on a compilation. But I could easily wipe my ass with those other three pieces of shit.  As far as I'm concerned, those three songs were just a prelude to the absolute shit show that they had become after putting out Brotherhood.


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