Thursday, May 22, 2014

Children and hardcore gear.

Adult Crash here again, Malvo is on vacation this week or as he put it "spring break bitches!" So I figure I would talk about something that has been bugging me for quite some time. Fellow core-men with children that dress their kids to look like themselves. Specifically, wearing straight edge shirts, Youth of Today zip-ups or whatever the hell else is out there. Call me crazy, but I think it's tacky. Me and my old lady have got a bit of a baby factory going on over here, but there has never been a day when I told her something like "hey baby, I just got this Negative Approach t-shirt for Nancy. Or, hey honey, is Jason a size 4Y? Because I wanna get him this Gorilla Biscuits hoody." If you're going to dress your kid up like you, why not go all the way with the "hardcore reality" and give him or her some sweet "straight edge" tattoo's? Maybe slap some Bridge 9 stickers all over their big wheel. Oh, I know, how about teaching them how to properly vandalize their school bathrooms with their mom and dad's favorite bands!

Seriously, your kid is into Gorilla Biscuits and Judge? Really?

Now, I'm not trying to pick on Revelation Records because they're only feeding the demand that's out there. And they're hardly the only ones making these sort of things for kids. I'm looking at all you guys and gals that want to make your "mini-me's" look exactly like you. Yeah, it's cute and yeah, it's your right to dress your kids any way you want. But at the end of the day, your 12 year old looks like a bit of a poser.


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