Thursday, October 23, 2014

Random thoughts

"Old man Adult Crash" here and I want to talk about a couple of things. First off, it was National Edge Day this past weekend and I spent some quality time with my wife and kids at the local pumpkin patch being clean and sober, while Malvo spent his time at some local bars partying like it's 1999. Last I checked, he and his liver are not on speaking terms...

Anyway, a bunch of bands were playing an Edge Day event up in Massachussets and it looked like a good show. Caught In A Crowd, Clear and World War 4 are popular bands we listen to. Not too familiar with the other bands, but I know of them. The flyer you see above is what I would expect for an Edge Day show. But I have to ask...Are Nike's still a big thing in hardcore fashion these days? The varsity jacket is a bit dated too, but I guess if the Air Jordan's are considered "cool" then the jacket must still be cool too. Kinda corny if you ask me. But it's good to see the kids keeping hardcore alive.

The other day, Malvo asked me what hardcore song touched me lyrically in my youth? In typical Malvo fashion, he made sure to add that Morrissey lyrics don't count. Such a narrow mind... Anyway, for me, it was "No More" by Youth of Today. I didn't become vegetarian from that song, but it reinforced things for me and made me take vegetarianism more seriously.

Malvo says that it was "kickback" by Breakdown. He is your stereotypical, angry hardcore kid. "Sorry, been kicked around for too long. Being fucked over just made me strong." That is his favorite lyric in all of hardcore, amongst so many other angry and depressing lyrics. I'm the total opposite of that. I like the posi-stuff, but it's another example of how different we are.

Speaking of how different we are, I like Morrissey. He doesn't. I told him to check out "You are the quarry" and he, to his credit, gave it a chance and didn't care too much for it. Now, he rags on me for liking Morrissey all the time, meanwhile, he likes Katy Perry! That's right, mister "I love negative hardcore" has a soft spot for Katy Perry! Keep that in mind the next time he creates a meme or just wants to talk shit about yours truly.


Friday, October 17, 2014

Let's take a look at what came in the mail...

Slimer writes:

"Hey, do you guys rock it to Parquet Courts? They're a band from Brooklyn and they definitely have a punk element. They got a song I fuck with called Stoned and Starved."

First of all, is this a joke? Homeboy's name is "Slimer"... Anyway, we've never heard of this band, but we're going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt and take this seriously.

Hmm I fail to hear the "punk element" in this song. It's a catchy rock song, but it's hardly punk to me. Maybe they have other songs that are punk, but this one ain't it. I've listened to a few more songs and they all sound like something I might hear on 120 Minutes, back in the day. MAYBE...

Adult Crash: It's aight. I'd probably reach for 50 different bands before this one, though. It has a retro vibe to it. I could picture it being late 70's NYC stuff. No offense Slimer, but 99% of this blog is about hardcore punk related stuff. This doesn't fall into that category.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Public Suicide (DC) review

It's Friday and it's a slow day in the office. I should probably be working on my TPS reports, but that can wait till Monday. In the meantime, I'm killing time on social media. And lo and behold I come across another new band from right here in D.C.

That band is Public Suicide and I have to say that I'm impressed. The name of the band grabbed my attention right away along with the artwork. Musically, the band has a power violence sound and the singer kind of sounds like Jon Westbrook of Knife Fight. Even a little grind core-ish vocally. All are redeeming qualities if you ask me.

They have a 5-song demo along with this 6-song S/T / soon to be 7" coming from Caught Up Records. They have some downloads available on Bandcamp for you to enjoy. But don't get them confused with another band from Cali with the same name. That band is not bad either from what I've heard so far. But that is for another day...


Friday, October 3, 2014

Stage diving debate

So, Noisey has an interesting article about stage diving that caught my attention. It's in regards to some god awful band from California called Joyce Manor. (I checked out some of their songs on iTunes and I will never get that time back.) Apparently, they stopped their show to address some rowdy guys that were stage diving and possibly causing harm to other fans during their set.

Now, I for one don't see the big deal with this move by the band. If there are guys being total dicks and possibly causing harm to others at a show, someone should say something. Having said that, I love seeing stage diving at shows. I don't participate in it anymore, but I love seeing it. I don't do it because I don't want to be mid-air and see the crowd part like the Red Sea. I also don't want to be on the receiving end of it either. Nothing worse than seeing a fat kid dive off and land on top of you. Reminds me of a song by Richmond's on Wheelbite called "Fat Kid Stage Dive".

Let's see what old man Adult Crash has to say about this topic:

The older I get, the less I understand stage diving. I was definitely a stage diver in my youth. I dove with the best of them to all my favorites. Youth of Today is playing tonight? I had my Air Jordan III's laced up and ready to go. Agnostic Front opens up with "Victim In Pain"? My legs are on autopilot and running up to the stage. Floorpunch just announced "Clear" as their last song of the night? I was doing multiple dives during the whole song.

I did all of this until my mid 20's. Then a couple of years after I graduated from college, I sprained my ankle badly while diving. The $300 trip to the emergency room (I had no insurance from 18-30. This was in 1998) smartened me up really quick.

It's fine for people to dive if you see it coming. However, I never felt much sympathy for the guy who landed on people out of nowhere, and then promptly got his ass handed to him by someone really angry about it.

Not to sound all Fugazi, but stage divers, for the most part, are kind of assholes. It's not like they're the only ones that can get hurt. They're taking liberties with everyone else's health as well.

-Adult Crash

Well now...Who wants to bet that he came up with this from his rocking chair? This is how I picture it.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Salad Days Trailer

Great horny toads! The Salad Days trailer has been released with the announcement that Soul Side is playing with Moss Icon and a third band that has yet to be announced. Been looking forward to this show for quite some time. (And by quite some time, I mean the last couple of weeks since I finally started to appreciate Soul Side.) Looks like it will be at the Black Cat in December and you can bet the farm that I'm dragging Adult Crash with me to see them play. Peep the trailer.

Salad Days Trailer
