Friday, October 3, 2014

Stage diving debate

So, Noisey has an interesting article about stage diving that caught my attention. It's in regards to some god awful band from California called Joyce Manor. (I checked out some of their songs on iTunes and I will never get that time back.) Apparently, they stopped their show to address some rowdy guys that were stage diving and possibly causing harm to other fans during their set.

Now, I for one don't see the big deal with this move by the band. If there are guys being total dicks and possibly causing harm to others at a show, someone should say something. Having said that, I love seeing stage diving at shows. I don't participate in it anymore, but I love seeing it. I don't do it because I don't want to be mid-air and see the crowd part like the Red Sea. I also don't want to be on the receiving end of it either. Nothing worse than seeing a fat kid dive off and land on top of you. Reminds me of a song by Richmond's on Wheelbite called "Fat Kid Stage Dive".

Let's see what old man Adult Crash has to say about this topic:

The older I get, the less I understand stage diving. I was definitely a stage diver in my youth. I dove with the best of them to all my favorites. Youth of Today is playing tonight? I had my Air Jordan III's laced up and ready to go. Agnostic Front opens up with "Victim In Pain"? My legs are on autopilot and running up to the stage. Floorpunch just announced "Clear" as their last song of the night? I was doing multiple dives during the whole song.

I did all of this until my mid 20's. Then a couple of years after I graduated from college, I sprained my ankle badly while diving. The $300 trip to the emergency room (I had no insurance from 18-30. This was in 1998) smartened me up really quick.

It's fine for people to dive if you see it coming. However, I never felt much sympathy for the guy who landed on people out of nowhere, and then promptly got his ass handed to him by someone really angry about it.

Not to sound all Fugazi, but stage divers, for the most part, are kind of assholes. It's not like they're the only ones that can get hurt. They're taking liberties with everyone else's health as well.

-Adult Crash

Well now...Who wants to bet that he came up with this from his rocking chair? This is how I picture it.


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