Friday, October 17, 2014

Let's take a look at what came in the mail...

Slimer writes:

"Hey, do you guys rock it to Parquet Courts? They're a band from Brooklyn and they definitely have a punk element. They got a song I fuck with called Stoned and Starved."

First of all, is this a joke? Homeboy's name is "Slimer"... Anyway, we've never heard of this band, but we're going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt and take this seriously.

Hmm I fail to hear the "punk element" in this song. It's a catchy rock song, but it's hardly punk to me. Maybe they have other songs that are punk, but this one ain't it. I've listened to a few more songs and they all sound like something I might hear on 120 Minutes, back in the day. MAYBE...

Adult Crash: It's aight. I'd probably reach for 50 different bands before this one, though. It has a retro vibe to it. I could picture it being late 70's NYC stuff. No offense Slimer, but 99% of this blog is about hardcore punk related stuff. This doesn't fall into that category.


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