Friday, November 7, 2014

Samhain in D.C. Halloween 2014

Well look who came into town this past Halloween. Samhain! Adult Crash and I have been talking about going to this show since it was announced. But I have to admit that I didn't think there was any chance that he would actually go. I mean, he's got a whole crew of kids at that baby factory that he calls home. No chance his old lady will let him out to see Samhain and leave her to take the kids out trick or treating on her own. But she let him go. I'm pretty sure he promised to take her out to the ballet or something else like that.

Samhain was playing at the Howard Theater in Washington, D.C. and it's a place that neither of us have ever been to. We were skeptical about the venue since it's not exactly known for hosting punk shows. But it turned out to be a pretty cool joint. Unfortunately, we arrived late because Adult Crash had to at least help the kids get dressed up before coming out to play with me. No biggie. We arrive in time to see Samhain getting set up. Perfect!

We were shocked (note sarcasm) that there were signs everywhere saying that pictures and videos were prohibited. I tried to sneak a couple of pictures anyway for our little blog here, but I was only able to get one good one. Damn light show was fucking going crazy. We definitely saw a couple of people get escorted out for taking pictures / video. Lame...

Anyway, they sounded GREAT! We were definitely loving every minute of this show. They belted out songs from every album. The only bad thing is that the place was so packed that it was hot as fuck in there. I felt like I was watching them perform in Hell. (Pretty sure that would be Danzig's wet dream.) In any case, they got a good response from the crowd and people were singing along all over the place. Overall, kick ass performance. After they were done they treated us with an encore song. I was hoping for a couple more, but no such luck.

People Watching

I know it was Halloween night, but why in the wide world of sports would anybody wear a costume while in the pit? Again, it was hot as fuck in that place. I practically had Bat Wings and I was standing in the back by the bar. Thankfully, the $8 beers ($8 for 12 ounces? Is this FedEx Field?!) I was ordering helped cool me off. And lighten my wallet...

We saw something else that was interesting. A group of about 3 or 4 guys shouting at the band in between songs. They were basically telling the band (as if they could hear them from that far) that they sucked. That Danzig was a douchebag and that he was a sellout. If you really feel that way about the band, why did you pay $40 plus to go to the show? It reminded me of those dumb ass straight edge kids that turned their backs on Youth Of Today at their reunion show in Florida. Let me get this straight...You PAID $40 to talk shit? What sense does that make? Whatever...

After the show ended we mosey on out to the car and I realized that I needed to take a leak. All those expensive ass beers came pounding on the door to be let out. I proceed to drain it in between a couple of cars. Unfortunately, 3 girls were walking up the street across from me and saw me doing my thing. Adult Crash thought it was a good time to embarass me by asking them "how big is it?" One of them put up her index finger and thumb to imply that it was only an inch. I immediately defend myself by saying...You can't even see it from over there! Bad move...They, along with what seemed like the entire neighborhood, erupted in laughter. I hate you Crash...


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