Friday, March 13, 2015

Arguing with each other

WE'RE BACK! Okay, that was a bit dramatic. But we've been pretty busy lately and have been neglecting our little blog here. I blame my boss for overworking me this last month. Crash...well, he's got the baby factory keeping him occupied. I don't know how he has time to breathe with all the frequent visits to Little League games, Disney on Ice and god knows what else he does for his kids. What guy suggests going to Disney on Ice?!

Anyway, from time to time we ponder some of life's greatest mysteries. Like, are there any good bands from New York that were not part of the "youth crew era"? Did Fugazi put out anything worthy after Repeater? Is the Clash any good? Which is the better D.R.I. record?  Dealing With It or Crossover? Allow me to answer these questions for you.

YES. YES. NO. Crossover

So here's our newest debate that we recently had on a night out. (A night out with Adult Crash with no kids is an experience. Like an 18 year old going away to college. Freedom overload!) We were talking about whether or not Revelation Records peaked at Rev 8? Old man Adult Crash says Yes and I said No.

I can understand where he's coming from with this statement. Most people don't care for BOLD - Speak Out because of the recording and/or because of Matt's vocals. However, I am not one of those people. The songs are good even though the recording is not so good. But as far as I'm concerned, Rev only had three dud's in their first 28 releases. Slipnot, Into Another and Burn are the ones I don't particularly care for of the lot. That's right, Into Another and Burn! Call me crazy, but I can't hang with those bands. Adult Crash disagrees with me on the Into Another choice. But before you put me on blast, keep in mind that he doesn't care for Supertouch, Inside Out and Judge (Bringing It Down).  Lunacy, I tell you!

This heated debate was met with strange looks by the bartender every time she came over to give me another beer. I thought I had a shot with this girl as the night went on. This is how I remember it and what I think she was thinking while she served me.

Bartender: Here you go, hun. (God, this guy is cute and all, but he and his old ass friend can't stop talking about which Gorilla Biscuits record was better?)

Me:  Man, you're crazy. The 7" is way better than the LP! By the way, I think the bartender digs me.

Adult Crash: You think? She is hot. You should get her name and ask her out.

Me: Hi, what's your name?

Bartender: It's Valerie

Me: Hi Valerie, you wanna go out sometime?

Bartender: (What excuse do I use on this guy?) Um, I have a boyfriend.

Me: Bummer

Adult Crash: (Big grin) Smooth one, Casanova.

Me: Why do you enjoy my pain so much?

Adult Crash: Because it's entertaining.

I question our friendship.


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