Monday, January 19, 2015

Girlfriend In A Coma

Adult Crash here and I'm taking the lead on this entry. You see, I invited Malvo out to see a show with me over the weekend, but he didn't know who we were going to see. Not because I didn't tell him who it was, but because I didn't tell him anything about the band. The band in question is Girlfriend In A Coma and they are a Morrissey / Smiths cover band. Never seen them before, but I've heard good things about them and I wanted to see it for myself. They were pretty awesome. But let's hear what Malvo thinks about the night. I'm sure it will be a distorted view of the show, so I will be ready to counter with factual information. Take it away loud mouth.

I have kept quiet about what I saw this weekend since I wanted to save it for our little blog here. I'm sure Adult Crash is curious so here goes. What the hell is the matter with you Morrissey fans?! Ok, not all of you, but the ones that were at that show had to be the weirdest bunch of people I've ever seen at a show of any kind in my entire life. There were people LOSING THEIR MINDS over this band. I'm not totally convinced that I didn't really see Morrissey up on stage. Because there's no way that people are going to go crazy over a COVER BAND! No way. Right? Right? Wrong.

To the band's credit, they sounded good. The singer looked just like Morrissey and had all the mannerisms down, but it's NOT Morrissey! I swear that there was a girl up in the balcony that looked like she was going to break down into tears every time the singer looked her way. Maybe she has the hots for the guy, I don't know. But I wanted to call 911 and tell them that somebody had escaped from Arkham Asylum.

But it wasn't just her, there was a bunch of people that were going crazy. A girl jumped up on stage and started to hug and kiss the singer and then dance along to the music. It sort of reminded me of Courtney Cox getting on stage to dance along with Bruce Springsteen. Just without the corny dance moves.

I couldn't tell if the singer was a fan of Morrissey or if he just likes the music and thinks the dude is a douche. Because he said some shit that was just stupid. Case in point: "You know what the difference between me and Morrissey is? I'm here" That's not verbatim, but it was something like that. I felt like shouting, THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT HE MAKES MUSIC LOVED BY MANY PEOPLE AND YOU JUST DO KARAOKE! I heard him throw in a Green Bay Packers shout out in a song which was amusing. He also came out in a Packers jersey later in their set. Way to stay in character.

I wanted to take video of the show, but it would have been obvious to anybody that I wasn't filming the show at all. But that I was filming all the weirdos that were singing to each other and spazzing out as if they had just won the lottery. I was flabbergasted at how people's heads were exploding around me when the singer announced the name of the next song. Like every time! Shrieking and OH MY GOD faces all around. Do these same people sit in traffic and have orgasms when "How Soon Is Now" come's up on their ipod? Holy shit. 

I can now say that I've heard more than a few songs from the Smiths and Morrissey and I can safely say that I am not a fan. It didn't do it for me at all. Just not my thing. The people watching was far more entertaining than the show itself. Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.

Jesus christ, he came out with both guns blazing. Why don't you tell them how you really feel? Sigh...I wish I could disagree with Malvo on the behavior of the attendees, because it was a little over the top. But what did he expect? It's not like they're going to be stage diving and slamming around in the pit. Overall, if you're a fan of Morrissey and want to enjoy his music in a live setting, you should check out this band. It's going to be a cheaper and more intimate experience, I can guarantee you that.


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