Friday, June 19, 2015

12 Hits From Hell and being tone deaf

If you follow us on Instagram, you know that Malvo recently got a new record player with a USB connection. We've spent the last two weekends ripping records to his computer that we don't have on MP3.  (My wife is not happy about ditching her with the kids two weekends in a row. Oops) I'm still laughing at some of the records that he wanted to have digital copies of though. The Borderline 7" immediately comes to mind. HAHAHAHA I thought he was joking. He wasn't. What's next? The Intensity 7"? They were intensely terrible...

Anyway, one of the records that we ripped was the Misfits - 12 Hits From Hell LP that came out some years ago. I remember when he got it from Smash! and you would've thought that he had just gotten laid for the first time. (He freaks out on just about anything from the Misfits and Samhain.) But he's never had a digital copy of that album, so he ripped his copy and that seems to be all that he's been listening to for the last two weeks. That, and the Violent Reaction LP. (If there is a way to wear out MP3's on your phone, he will find a way, because it seems that the Violent Reaction album is on repeat with nothing else in between. Jesus...)

I, for one, wasn't that big a fan of 12 Hits From Hell. It was okay, but I wasn't crazy about Bobby Steele's guitar sound. I couldn't get past that. I can see why Danzig wasn't a big fan of that recording. Give me Earth A.D. or Walk Among Us or Collection II and I am going to be singing along like I was in the studio doing backups. Speaking of doing backups, Malvo does that all the time when he's driving. On more than one occasion, I've had to tell him something like - hey man, they sing it so you don't have to. That guy is one of the most tone deaf mofo's I've ever heard. Seriously, I'd rather hear my kids screaming. He's that bad.

On a related note, I can't believe that 12 Hits From Hell is selling for so much on eBay? I saw that cd's were selling for $68? Really?  The LP is going for around $150 and it's not even the rare green cover. This thing could be his Project X or Floorpunch on gold! Come to think of it, I should try to trade him something average for it so I can sell it and have a night out with the wife. Gotta smooth things over with her somehow.


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