Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A sweet score of videos

Adult Crash here and I'm staring at my computer screen wishing that I was anywhere but here. This feeling I have is made worse by the fact that Malvo is sending me pictures of his hairy legs on the beach. Who does that? Bastard...

Anyway, I have been scouring social media to pass the time and I came across something that I've seen before and completely forgot about. I wanted to share this gem with you all a few months ago, but I got sidetracked and forgot. The website is called DC 85 and it's a site with videos of bands playing in D.C. from 1985 - 1988. No idea who filmed them but according to the page, they're going to be uploading more in the future. So far I see Government Issue, Marginal Man, Gwar, Jerry's Kids, Gang Green and a couple more. I can only hope that they put out some more sooner rather than later.


The quality is not the greatest, but what do you expect from back then? You gotta take what you can get when you get it and this is just fine for me. The band I wanna see the most is Jerry's Kids because I think I've only ever seen like one or two different shows by them on YouTube. The site mentions other videos of bands like Justice League, Descendents, 7 Seconds and Inside Out to name a few. I'm stoked to see that stuff see the light of day. Hopefully the Inside Out that is mentioned is the California one and not the one from New York.

If you enjoy watching shows from way back when, check this page out. You won't be disappointed. And if you all could join me in wishing that my partner suffers a pesky sunburn for flaunting his vacation in my face, I would be in your debt.


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