Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The reunion that no one thought would happen...

I have to admit that I am still in disbelief over this announcement. I'd heard the rumors about this a couple of months ago, but I didn't think it would really happen. Then, not too long ago, it seemed to be all over the net that it was in fact happening. I mean, Judge has been rumored for every big show in the last few years and it never happened. Why now? I am a little torn with this because as much as I would like to see them play again, I always thought it was kind of cool that they would never get back together. I'm not anti-reunions, but this is just weird to me. Judge and Minor Threat are two bands I would love to see play out, but they always stuck to their guns about not doing it. Now Judge is playing the BNB Bowl and it should be damn interesting. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that Minor Threat will never do a reunion but who knows. In any case, I think the D.C. Sniper team might be making this trip to New York to see this reunion. Stay tuned. D.C.S.

UPDATE: Here's an interview that Mike Judge did about the reunion show. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day playlist

For those of you who are single and or just protesting this "holiday." Allow me to share my playlist for this 14th day of February. I might be forgetting some other obvious ones, but these are the ones that instantly come to mind for me.

Breakdown - "All I Ask" This song reeks of resentment and I love it.

(PS: I know this song does not appear on this demo, but that is a cool cover if you ask me.)

Suicidal Tendencies - "Won't Fall In Love Today" This title just says it all.

State Of Alert - "Girl Problems" "I don't need your girl problems, I don't need your shit!" Nuff said.

Youth Of Today - "Modern Love Story" A pretty good observation on what a lot of people do when it comes to "dating."

And last, but certainly not least (drum roll please).........Sheer Terror - "Thanks Fer Nuthin" This band has many love songs, but I have to give the nod to this record. I have loved this album since day one and it's, in my opinion, highly underrated. The cover and title are perfect together and my favorite song is "Three Year Bitch." If that doesn't sound pissed off, I don't know what does? In any case, Happy Valentines day.


Friday, February 8, 2013

More new music? Oh hell yeah.

So, as I sit here at work, waiting for lunch to arrive, I decide that I am in need of some new tunes on my phone. So I find some old essentials like Black Flag - Damaged, Minor Threat - Out Of Step and the Breakdown - Demo. All three are classics and all three are far overdue in being added to my iTunes library, but I wanted to find something NEW. Well, after reading some email updates from some record labels, I come across a band that I've been too lazy to check out. They're called the Night Birds and holy mother of all that is holy, have I been missing out! These guys sound like they are from the California punk scene circa 1982. I feel like buying a surfboard and catching some waves, checking out some ladies on the beach, maybe work on my tan and, well, you get the idea.

I'm listening to Fresh Kills Vol. 1 which compiles their demo, s/t ep and their Killer Waves 7". I love the artwork for these records and you can check them out below. The Killer Waves cover looks like something the Dead Kennedys would use on a record.  Killer Waves and Harbor Rats are easily two of my favorite songs so far. Harbor Rats reminds me of a little song called Miserlou. Maybe you've heard of it? In any case, they have plenty of kick ass tunes on here that I plan on getting to know very soon.

From what I see, I am late to the party on these guys since they've been around for over 2 years, but hey, better late than never. Big thumbs up for these guys. Check them out if you want to hear something that stands out from the rest. In the meantime, my lunch has arrived and I am about to put myself into a food coma with this burrito and side of tacos.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Stage potatoes...I can't stand you!

If you're not in a band that is playing that day or somebody that is taking pictures/filming the show, then why are you there? Do you just like to pose on stage in the hopes to get your picture on a record? Or do you think you look cool for being up there? Maybe it's just all about you! All I know is that it irks me to no end to see you up there taking up space. You're not part of the band, you're not a roadie, yet you feel the need to post your lame ass up on stage to do what? Sing along? Why don't you sing along with the rest of us little people on the floor?

If you don't want to be in the middle of a bunch of sweaty guys up front, then stand off to the side or in the back. I can understand not wanting to have people diving on you or possibly getting a fist or elbow to the face, but I defy anybody to give me a valid reason why they should be allowed up there. The only time it is acceptable is when the venue is too jam packed. I'll give you a pass on that, but any other're just lame.
