Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day playlist

For those of you who are single and or just protesting this "holiday." Allow me to share my playlist for this 14th day of February. I might be forgetting some other obvious ones, but these are the ones that instantly come to mind for me.

Breakdown - "All I Ask" This song reeks of resentment and I love it.

(PS: I know this song does not appear on this demo, but that is a cool cover if you ask me.)

Suicidal Tendencies - "Won't Fall In Love Today" This title just says it all.

State Of Alert - "Girl Problems" "I don't need your girl problems, I don't need your shit!" Nuff said.

Youth Of Today - "Modern Love Story" A pretty good observation on what a lot of people do when it comes to "dating."

And last, but certainly not least (drum roll please).........Sheer Terror - "Thanks Fer Nuthin" This band has many love songs, but I have to give the nod to this record. I have loved this album since day one and it's, in my opinion, highly underrated. The cover and title are perfect together and my favorite song is "Three Year Bitch." If that doesn't sound pissed off, I don't know what does? In any case, Happy Valentines day.


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