Saturday, July 6, 2013

Another chance review

The D.C.S. Team  presents a new segment where we go back and give bands and or albums another chance. Over the years there have been many bands that have put out records that disappointed their fan base for whatever reason. We're going to see if our opinions have changed over the years.

First up is Dag Nasty - Field Day. Now, the D.C.S Team is divided on this one since I've always hated it from day 1. But for some reason, the other half of the team thinks the album is "enjoyable." He might also be the founding member of the Brian Baker fan club. But lets give this record another try and see if it grows on me.

The first track "Trouble Is" could easily be a Fugazi song that didn't make it onto their album "The Argument." And that's not a bad thing because that album is great. The next couple of songs pick up the tempo and are ok, but the lyrics are a bit suspect. "If you doubt it, let me remind you, I'm in love with you." BARF!

"Ambulance song" is downright horrible and "Staring at the rude boys" sounds like it belongs on the "Top Gun" soundtrack and that is terrible. Next few songs are no better and then we get to a Dag Nasty classic from "Can I Say" which is "Under your influence" and I immediately want to drag Brian Baker out into the street to have him tarred and feathered. This album went from terrible to blasphemous. Good job of ruining a great song with those vocals and that horrible breakdown. Ugh!

Overall opinion of this record is that it still blows. But I do like a song or two on here and that is more than what I liked over the years. One thing that the D.C.S. Team can agree on is that we would both recommend Dag Nasty in their glory, which is indisputably "Can I Say?"



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