Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Top 20 New York Hardcore and Metal Albums of All Time - According to the Village Voice

Top 20 lists are always going to get bashed for not having someone/something on it, but this list is just ridiculous. I like some of the bands, but I would never, in a million years, say that they're in the top 20 of hardcore/metal albums of all time. And there are a couple of bands that I've never even heard of! Where's Nuclear Assualt - Handle With Care?! If Twisted Sister is going to be on this list, then why not White Zombie? Here's my take on some of the bands on the list.

Twisted Sister

Life of Agony - River Runs Red is a kick ass rock album, but it doesn't belong on this list at all.
Made Out Of Babies - WHO?!
Riot - Again, WHO?!
Winter - Doom metal makes me want to rip my hair out. Boring.
Brutal Truth - They're ok, but come on! Top 20? Spare me.
Biohazard - Urban Discipline has a couple of good songs, but I've always thought the band was highly overrated. 
Agnostic Front - Cause For Alarm over Victim In Pain? Not in my book. 


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