Friday, February 28, 2014

Parents and punk

Many moons ago, I was introduced to the greatness of the Misfits, Samhain and Danzig. I couldn't get enough of the music and got my hands on all things done by those bands. The artwork for records like Earth A.D. and Initium and was so cool to a young punk like me. Unfortunately, my mother didn't share my enthusiasm for this awesome artwork that went along with the righteous jams...

So one day, I come home from school and I'm ready to rock out to some records instead of doing homework. (Standard procedure for me back then.) I go up to my room and to my horror, I see bits and pieces of paper on my bed and on the floor. Now, I had a dog back then, so it was entirely possible that my pooch got into something and chewed it up. But my door was closed and unless my puppy developed opposable thumbs and turned my knob, there was no way that she got into my room.

After closer inspection, I see that it's not exactly paper. It was a cardboard-like paper that was black and white and had some pieces with words or just a couple of letters on them. Then it hit me. I had recently purchased the first Danzig video tape that had the interviews and music for the first record.

Imagine this ripped up in a million pieces on your bedroom floor.

I freak out and begin to question my family as to what happened to the cover and more importantly, what happened to the VHS tape inside of it? My old man just looked at me like "what the fuck are you talking about? Can't you see that I'm watching Three's Company?" I ask my siblings and they give me the standard "like I would go into your messy room!" Then I get to mama dukes...

Me: Mom! Do you know what happened to my VHS tape that is all shredded up in my room?! I can't find the tape either!

Mrs. I hate all cool things related to Danzig: You mean that satanic trash that you brought into my house!

Me: Whatever! What happened to it?!

Mrs. I hate all cool things related to Danzig: I went into your room to put your clothes away and saw that trash in your room and I ripped it up and threw the tape away.


Mrs. I hate all cool things related to Danzig:  If I find anything else in this house like that, I am going to throw it away too!

Me: YOU OWE ME A NEW ONE! (In my infinite wisdom, I thought for a second, that she would actually feel bad and replace it. Then I remembered that she literally ripped up the box into a million pieces. She took her time with that thing. Kinda like Kevin Spacey's serial killer character in the movie "Seven".)

At the end of the day, I found my VHS tape in the trash with the tape ripped out and looking like a big ball of tumble weed ready to roll out of the garage. She never replaced the tape (obviously) and I made sure to hide my records that could meet the same fate. Could you imagine if she had found my Lucifuge LP with the upside down cross insert or my Dead Kennedy's - In God We Trust LP? Oof...


Thursday, February 27, 2014


This is easily the coolest and most creative way to promote a show that I've ever seen. Or maybe I'm just showing my age because I know who the characters are? Check the video.

TIHC 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Wanna hear some digital demo's?

Check out this guys YouTube page. He has been uploading some pretty cool demo's that would be hard to find in digital formats. Enjoy.

Core Junkie's Demo Daze


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Breakdown - Running Scared Demo + Live WNYU

Been meaning to talk about this record since it came in the mail, but I got a little side tracked. Here we have, in all of it's glory, the Breakdown - Running Scared Demo on vinyl. This is something that needed to be put out in a proper way for quite some time.

The record comes with the demo, plus an unreleased version of "All I Ask" and "Hold Me Back", plus an awesome WNYU session. The insert has some cool pictures that I've never seen before along with a history of the band told by Jeff Perlin.

If you've already heard the tape before, then you already know the greatness of it. If you haven't? Then you need to find a way to get your hands on one of these records. By now, they're probably sold out everywhere. But it doesn't hurt to look around. The guys at Painkiller deserve props for putting this out, because it looks and sounds great.

My only complaint about this release is that there is no download code for the music. Come on?! Really? Thankfully, I have a decent digital copy of the demo and live tracks. With no download code, I feel like I got this record back in the summer of 1988!   


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Misfits reunion?

We would be psyched if this happened. The other half of the team has this to say about it.

The Misfits are such an iconic band, where everything they did from that lineup is such a classic, that I think it's the rare instance where a bunch of fat, old, balding dudes cashing in on their former glory could do it without embarrassing themselves. Danzig can still sing. The brothers still look like toys. And they could find any of the million drummers they had and plug him in there as an original.

They have a catalog of classics that transcend several genres of music. They have the costumes, the imagery. They're just older. It's like KISS.

They are literally the only band that could do a reunion at their age without looking totally ridiculous - though Jerry Only should consider a devil lock rug. The comb-over needs to go.

Check out the story here -

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Murphy's Law reissues

Murphy's Law is easily one of the greatest bands in NYHC history. And we noticed that they're getting their first two records reissued on some new colors and with some new shirts. They're even releasing a cd for both albums that has an extra track on each one. Pretty sweet!

But what is that thing on the corner of my screen? You see it? The icon that has nothing to do with a band like Murphy's Law or hardcore in general. That fucking Bulldog that represents Victory Records. That worthless label has gotten their shitty hands into another great hardcore band. Bad Brains, Warzone and now Murphy's Law. Ugh.

But we're looking past that. Good for Murphy's Law. They've been around the block and then some. You can't find their stuff on iTunes and Amazon and it's not like Profile is going to put it out. Or maybe they would and then rip off the band. In any case, this is great for Murphy's Law. Of all the reissues that've been coming out over the last few years, these two are long overdue. So head on over to to get your hands on these new goodies by one of New York's finest. 


Hold the phone! The other half of the team has just admitted something to me that he has never shared before. I think he may be coming down with a flu or something because he just said that the only Murphy's Law record that matters is the first one. I think my delusional friend needs some medical attention. 

Listen to this rambling - Back With A Bong, to me sounds like a b-side blooper reel of the S/T LP. And Panty Raid is a cheap imitation of "Fight for your right" by the Beastie Boys. I like Murphy's Law, but to me, that first album is the only one that matters. (If only you could see my stunned face after that.) 

So to recap, I'm the only one that thinks they're great and my senile partner only likes the first record. See if I invite his ass over to my next Crucial BBQ. 
