Friday, April 11, 2014

Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine

The D.C. Sniper team loves the Dead Kennedys. They're easily one of the best bands in hardcore punk history. Top ten. Hands down. Their influence both musically and lyrically can still be felt in today's scene. After the demise of the DK's, Jello continued to make music with other bands like Lard, DOA and the Melvins. These days, he's in a band called Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine. And we had no idea...

I stumbled onto a song by them on YouTube and immediately sent a text to the other half of the team to give it a listen. The song was "Mid-East Peace Process" and it is fucking bad ass! That song alone should have anybody that is a Dead Kennedys fan giving his current band a chance. The song is from their second album called "White People and The Damage Done" and this album is fan-fucking-tastic.

It covers topics from Hollywood to Wall Street to road rage. It's one hit after another in my book. The cover, artwork on the insert, album title and lyrics are really creative and cool in my opinion. All things that made me love hardcore punk, and more specifically, the Dead Kennedys when I was a young lad. Now I just need to get my hands on their first album, "The Audacity Of Hype".


I have been listening to "White People And The Damage Done" non-stop for the last month or so. The same can't be said for the other half of the team. Or as he now wishes to be called, Senior Adult Crash Correspondent. I gave this slacker a free download code for this album WEEKS AGO. And as of this morning, he has yet to download the album. Conversation went something like this:

Me: You listen to that Jello album yet? Or have you been skipping the gym and getting fat?
Him: I've been playing softball 3x a week. Still haven't been to the gym. I'll try to listen to it this weekend, jagaloon.

Now who is the real jagaloon here? I already have the album on my iTunes and he has been sitting on a download code for the better part of two months! Total slacker if you ask me. By the way, who wants to clue us in on what a "jagaloon" is? We have no idea. But ever since that first This Is Hardcore video with Bad Luck 13, we've been calling each other jagaloons. Clearly, we're out of the loop. And immature...


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