Thursday, April 3, 2014

This Is Hardcore 2014

A little over a month ago, we posted an entry about a video that was made for the upcoming This Is Hardcore Fest in Philly. The classic WWF wrestling theme of the video made us laugh and worked well with the announcement that Bad Luck 13 was going to be getting back together for the show. (If you haven't seen the video, just scroll down a couple of entries.)

Then, Joe Hardcore and the gang put together another video...

This Is Hardcore 2014 Memegate scandal

Let me first say that we appreciate the creativity that he and everybody else involved put into making these videos. It's a breath of fresh air to see a show promoted in such a way. But this second video didn't do it for me. I understand what he was going for and can totally sympathize with him in regards to all these morons that are giving him a hard time about re-entry. But this went on and on like a bad
Family Guy bit. Maybe I'm losing my sense of humor in my old age? You be the judge.


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