Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Year in review

Another year has come and gone and Adult Crash is one step closer to the grave. (Seriously, the guy is old as dirt.) 2014 introduced us to some great bands like Fuck You Pay Me, Public Suicide, The Flex, Protester,  and many more.

We also saw some awesome bands for the first time like Boston Strangler, Infest, Waste Management, Give, and a slew of others at the Damaged City Fest. Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine, Chain of Strength, Samhain on Halloween and most recently, Soulside, Red Hare and Swiz.

Adult Crash here, let us not forget that Malvo likes Katy Perry and has also admitted to me in private that he likes "Dancing Queen" by Abba. And I'm the lame one for liking Morrissey? ("You Are The Quarry" is my favorite record by the way.) What else do we need to never forget about your boy Malvo... Oh yeah, he is small in the pants according to the young ladies that saw him taking a leak in between cars after Samhain. He wonders why I embarrass him with stuff like that, yet he's the one behaving like a man-child by urinating in public. Oh and how can I forget about walking with him to CVS so he could buy some Gold Bond for the chaffing he had going on between his legs at the Damaged City show. Who does that? Suck it up, punk!

In any case, we had another good year together and we hope to entertain you all for another. Happy New Year!


If Adult Crash thinks we're ending this entry with that nonsense, he's got another thing coming. Let us not forget what his thoughts were on the debate about Stage Diving.

Soooo, yeah, old man Adult Crash thinks you stage divers are assholes. 

This is the text I received after that entry with that Meme.

"I said kinda assholes. Way to Fox News Me."



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