Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A soap opera within the scene? Let me get my popcorn!

You know it's a slow day at the office when I'm reading the comments section of anything I see on the internet. Usually, comment sections are filled with mind numbing things like misspelled words to posting "facts" based on a meme to verbally attacking someone for whatever reason. So where am I going with this? Well, I'm glad you asked.

In what is sure to be one of the more bizarre forms of trolling, there is a G.I. Facebook page that is totally bogus and they are posting some weird shit as if they're the band. Stuff like, Stabb being kicked out of G.I. and being replaced by someone else and how he's now a Republican candidate in West Virginia. From what I can see, it might be a former G.I. drummer that is the source of this page and it's material. If this is true, then this might be one of the more interesting soap operas within the hardcore scene. Check these screen shots that I got recently and see the weirdness for yourself. 

I've gotta admit that it is somewhat entertaining, but I can understand why John/the band are not thrilled with it. Stabb is trying to put the word out that it's a bogus page and to disregard what you see on there, but it may not reach the masses. Hell, I wouldn't of known about his post on Facebook had a friend not shared it.

I'm surprised that this sort of thing doesn't happen more often. I mean, people are trolling twitter, message boards, Instagram and Facebook all the time looking to get a rise out of people. This situation reminds me of the time that somebody started a thread on the Mullet Board (or was it the Livewire Board) saying that Jesse Standhard was going to be the new singer for Kid Dynamite. If memory serves me right, the Kid Dynamite
guys didn't have a sense of humor about it at all. I guess some people totally believed it and were asking the band members about it and they were annoyed. In our opinion, they made it bigger deal about it than it had to be.

Anyway, if you want to see what these imposters are up to, just look for the Government Issue page on Facebook with this big titty chick wearing a Government Issue shirt.

Speaking of imposters...


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