Thursday, May 22, 2014

Children and hardcore gear.

Adult Crash here again, Malvo is on vacation this week or as he put it "spring break bitches!" So I figure I would talk about something that has been bugging me for quite some time. Fellow core-men with children that dress their kids to look like themselves. Specifically, wearing straight edge shirts, Youth of Today zip-ups or whatever the hell else is out there. Call me crazy, but I think it's tacky. Me and my old lady have got a bit of a baby factory going on over here, but there has never been a day when I told her something like "hey baby, I just got this Negative Approach t-shirt for Nancy. Or, hey honey, is Jason a size 4Y? Because I wanna get him this Gorilla Biscuits hoody." If you're going to dress your kid up like you, why not go all the way with the "hardcore reality" and give him or her some sweet "straight edge" tattoo's? Maybe slap some Bridge 9 stickers all over their big wheel. Oh, I know, how about teaching them how to properly vandalize their school bathrooms with their mom and dad's favorite bands!

Seriously, your kid is into Gorilla Biscuits and Judge? Really?

Now, I'm not trying to pick on Revelation Records because they're only feeding the demand that's out there. And they're hardly the only ones making these sort of things for kids. I'm looking at all you guys and gals that want to make your "mini-me's" look exactly like you. Yeah, it's cute and yeah, it's your right to dress your kids any way you want. But at the end of the day, your 12 year old looks like a bit of a poser.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Beyond at Black N' Blue Bowl 2014

Sr. Adult Crash Correspondent here, and I'm taking the lead on this entry since the other half has no interest in Beyond. (He clearly has no taste.) I like Beyond, their demo was great and the LP was pretty good. With exception of the singer, all the members went onto bigger things. Though, not necessarily better things in my opinion. They played at the Black N' Blue bowl this past weekend and it looked like 45 people cared. I expected a better response than what I saw in this video. But to be fair, one song does not accurately represent the reaction that they got during the whole show. See the video for yourself.

Oh and if you haven't heard already, Revelation Records is putting out their discography in the near future. Here's to hoping it comes out looking good.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Favorite frontmen

It's Friday and five o'clock can't get here fast enough. So to pass the time, we are talking about our favorite front men and why? I chose Jello because I love his on stage performance, banter and his lyrics speak to me. I don't agree with everything he has to say, but he knows how to paint a picture with his words. Quite frankly, I think he is the total package when it comes to being a front man.

But if I were to just choose one guy to watch and lose my shit to? It would be H.R. before he lost his marbles. That guy could make me lose my marbles with his performance. He was fucking awesome!

SR. Adult Crash Correspondent: Kevin Seconds has always been one of the best performers on stage, no matter how old he is. He always works the crowd masterfully.

Richie Birkenhead has always been a favorite of mine too. Not for the same reason though. I just always liked his intensity and confidence while singing.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Parris Mayhew Interview on Noisey

The soap opera that is the Cro-Mags just got new life with an interview with Parris Mayhew. It is definitely a good read for any fan of the band. If you haven't seen the story on your social media, then here ya go. Enjoy.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

First listen to Screeching Weasel.

This morning I received a text from SR. Adult Crash Correspondent asking me if I've ever checked out Screeching Weasel. I've heard of them, but never bothered to check them out. They are just one of those bands that slipped through the cracks for me. He describes them as a "fun 90's punk band. Ramones-ish." He says that "Anthem for a New Tomorrow" is a good place to start. Let's see what he's talking about here.

The first song on here is called "I'm Gonna Strangle You Tonight". Lyrics are okay, the song title made me laugh, but it's pretty catchy. I'm up to what appears to be an instrumental called "Talk To Me Summer" and I'm digging these songs so far. Not exactly what I expected to hear, but pretty good. I decide to look up some more tunes by them and come across a song that caught my attention right away. The song is called "I Wanna Be A Homosexual" and It's from an album called "Kill The Musicians". I immediately look up the lyrics and play the song and I'm dying laughing. I immediately text the other half of the team and it went something like this.

Me: Oh my god, I'm listening to a good dong (you read that right, auto-correct failed me again) called "I Wanna Be A Homosexual". NO WAY these lyrics could fly today.

Him: Ha. Nope. And I always knew you loved a good dong.

Me: Curse you!

Him: Curse your fat fingered typing, dong lover.

Anyway, these lyrics are on par with the song "Homosexual" by Angry Samoans. VERY politically incorrect. But the song is damn good. Give them a chance if you want to hear something new/old. I know I will.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Growing Stronger 2014 demo

It's a slow day at the office and I'm bored. SR Adult Crash Correspondent and I are debating on whether or not Green Day is a good band. I, for one, don't care about them. I think they're overrated and I usually change the channel if they come on the radio. He, on the hand, thinks they're really good and is rocking out to them on Pandora as we speak. Ugh I'd rather listen to New Jersey's own Intensity!

Anyway, I've been browsing Instagram during our silly texts and came across a band by the name of Growing Stronger. React! Records is promoting a 2014 demo and I decided to check them out. Man o man this is good! This is our kind of hardcore! Short, sweet and to the point. We've been coming across too many bands that just sound like they're from New York and have that bad metal sound. Sorry guys, but even I can't get behind a lot of these bands.

Can't really tell you shit about Growing Stronger except that you can get their 6 song demo on Bandcamp now. For all I know, these guys are a bunch of eskimo's that love the Growing Stronger comp and wanted to start up a band that could've been featured on that record. Based on these 6 songs, I would've put them on there.
