Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Growing Stronger 2014 demo

It's a slow day at the office and I'm bored. SR Adult Crash Correspondent and I are debating on whether or not Green Day is a good band. I, for one, don't care about them. I think they're overrated and I usually change the channel if they come on the radio. He, on the hand, thinks they're really good and is rocking out to them on Pandora as we speak. Ugh I'd rather listen to New Jersey's own Intensity!

Anyway, I've been browsing Instagram during our silly texts and came across a band by the name of Growing Stronger. React! Records is promoting a 2014 demo and I decided to check them out. Man o man this is good! This is our kind of hardcore! Short, sweet and to the point. We've been coming across too many bands that just sound like they're from New York and have that bad metal sound. Sorry guys, but even I can't get behind a lot of these bands.

Can't really tell you shit about Growing Stronger except that you can get their 6 song demo on Bandcamp now. For all I know, these guys are a bunch of eskimo's that love the Growing Stronger comp and wanted to start up a band that could've been featured on that record. Based on these 6 songs, I would've put them on there.


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