Friday, May 16, 2014

Favorite frontmen

It's Friday and five o'clock can't get here fast enough. So to pass the time, we are talking about our favorite front men and why? I chose Jello because I love his on stage performance, banter and his lyrics speak to me. I don't agree with everything he has to say, but he knows how to paint a picture with his words. Quite frankly, I think he is the total package when it comes to being a front man.

But if I were to just choose one guy to watch and lose my shit to? It would be H.R. before he lost his marbles. That guy could make me lose my marbles with his performance. He was fucking awesome!

SR. Adult Crash Correspondent: Kevin Seconds has always been one of the best performers on stage, no matter how old he is. He always works the crowd masterfully.

Richie Birkenhead has always been a favorite of mine too. Not for the same reason though. I just always liked his intensity and confidence while singing.


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