Tuesday, May 13, 2014

First listen to Screeching Weasel.

This morning I received a text from SR. Adult Crash Correspondent asking me if I've ever checked out Screeching Weasel. I've heard of them, but never bothered to check them out. They are just one of those bands that slipped through the cracks for me. He describes them as a "fun 90's punk band. Ramones-ish." He says that "Anthem for a New Tomorrow" is a good place to start. Let's see what he's talking about here.

The first song on here is called "I'm Gonna Strangle You Tonight". Lyrics are okay, the song title made me laugh, but it's pretty catchy. I'm up to what appears to be an instrumental called "Talk To Me Summer" and I'm digging these songs so far. Not exactly what I expected to hear, but pretty good. I decide to look up some more tunes by them and come across a song that caught my attention right away. The song is called "I Wanna Be A Homosexual" and It's from an album called "Kill The Musicians". I immediately look up the lyrics and play the song and I'm dying laughing. I immediately text the other half of the team and it went something like this.

Me: Oh my god, I'm listening to a good dong (you read that right, auto-correct failed me again) called "I Wanna Be A Homosexual". NO WAY these lyrics could fly today.

Him: Ha. Nope. And I always knew you loved a good dong.

Me: Curse you!

Him: Curse your fat fingered typing, dong lover.

Anyway, these lyrics are on par with the song "Homosexual" by Angry Samoans. VERY politically incorrect. But the song is damn good. Give them a chance if you want to hear something new/old. I know I will.


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