Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Year in review

Another year has come and gone and Adult Crash is one step closer to the grave. (Seriously, the guy is old as dirt.) 2014 introduced us to some great bands like Fuck You Pay Me, Public Suicide, The Flex, Protester,  and many more.

We also saw some awesome bands for the first time like Boston Strangler, Infest, Waste Management, Give, and a slew of others at the Damaged City Fest. Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine, Chain of Strength, Samhain on Halloween and most recently, Soulside, Red Hare and Swiz.

Adult Crash here, let us not forget that Malvo likes Katy Perry and has also admitted to me in private that he likes "Dancing Queen" by Abba. And I'm the lame one for liking Morrissey? ("You Are The Quarry" is my favorite record by the way.) What else do we need to never forget about your boy Malvo... Oh yeah, he is small in the pants according to the young ladies that saw him taking a leak in between cars after Samhain. He wonders why I embarrass him with stuff like that, yet he's the one behaving like a man-child by urinating in public. Oh and how can I forget about walking with him to CVS so he could buy some Gold Bond for the chaffing he had going on between his legs at the Damaged City show. Who does that? Suck it up, punk!

In any case, we had another good year together and we hope to entertain you all for another. Happy New Year!


If Adult Crash thinks we're ending this entry with that nonsense, he's got another thing coming. Let us not forget what his thoughts were on the debate about Stage Diving.

Soooo, yeah, old man Adult Crash thinks you stage divers are assholes. 

This is the text I received after that entry with that Meme.

"I said kinda assholes. Way to Fox News Me."



Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A weekend of shows in D.C.

The D.C. Sniper Team takes in a show. Actually, no we didn't. Adult Crash is too busy being Dad of the year and couldn't go to the show. He probably went to see the Nutcracker Ballet for all I know. He is so whipped. Anyway, I almost double booked myself for this past weekend since another friend of mine told me that Too $hort was coming to town. I mean who wouldn't want to see $horty The Pimp?! But I had already gotten my ticket for Soulside a while back, so no dice.

Now, the worst kept secret in D.C. this past week or so was that Swiz had been added to the bill. I was curious to see what they were like live. If you read our entry around this time last year, I said that I wasn't a big fan of Swiz but, I like Red Hare. As it turns out, I got to see both on Friday night at the Give record release at Comet Ping Pong in D.C. 

Red Hare sounded awesome live but the venue could've been better. No stage means that I was going to be looking past a bunch of heads and cell phones in the air. That kind of sucked, but what are you gonna do? If my memory is right, they played about 4 songs and in the middle of their set they gave their drummer a break to take a "leak" and replaced him with another guy and voila! Swiz was on stage!

They ripped into 4 songs that were fucking awesome! How did I not see the greatness of these songs years ago? After they ripped my face off with those songs, they got their drummer off and brought back their Red Hare drummer and finished their set. I have to say that I really like Red Hare live. Hadn't been able to see them until this weekend and I'm so glad I did. I'm hoping to see some new tunes from them in the future. If you haven't gotten their debut LP, Nites of Midnight, then get off your ass and get it! Or if you're lucky, you'll get it for Christmas like yours truly did last year. BOOM!

Next up was Give and they came out with guns-a-blazing! I saw them at Damaged City and was intrigued, but haven't listened to anything by them since then. I don't know what they have out or what they played that night, but it sounded great. They had all the energy in the world and rocked that place. I had to enjoy it from the back by the sound-man because it was just getting to be a bit too hot in that place. All in all, they were killer and I'm officially a fan.

Saturday night was the big night. Soulside, Swiz and Moss Icon at the Black Cat. I had a hell of a time trying to find parking and caught the last 10 minutes of Moss Icon and I couldn't have been more bored. Holy crap...It was some of the most boring, slow jams I've ever heard. (And I don't mean the slow jams you and your girl listen to when you're trying to make sexy-time.) So glad I didn't find a parking spot so quick and so close because I would've been ripping my hair out.

Swiz comes out and the place is buzzing. They sounded just as awesome as they did the night before and I really dug it. I don't know what they played since I'm not familiar with their music, but it was good. My only complaint was the lack of appreciation when they covered "Familiar" by G.I. Their Void cover right after that was far more appreciated, but I liked them both. I thought they put on a good show and after this weekend, I have a bigger appreciation for Swiz. Good stuff.

Soulside comes out and I'm getting excited. Again, I haven't been waiting for this as long as other long time fans have, but I have grown to really like this band over the last couple of months. They did not disappoint. I thought they sounded just as good live as they do on their records. They belted out like 18 songs which might've been a bit much, but I didn't care. I really enjoyed their set and their encore included my favorite song "Name In Mind".

All in all it was a great weekend and what an awesome way to close out 2014! I got to see a couple of kick ass shows and Adult Crash was probably at the mall buying gifts for his tribe. This is how I picture it.


Monday, December 15, 2014

Giving Unit Pride a second chance

Well it's Christmas time and Adult Crash is busy doing the family thing. Typical stuff...putting up Christmas lights, tree and trip to see Santa. All things that this Scrooge is not doing. I wonder if I'm in store for a horror story of screaming kids on Santa's lap? Not his kids, but the other ones that will be there.

Anyway, I saw an advertisement from Mankind Records promoting some Unit Pride shirts that were made. This is a band that I know little about, but I remember liking one song by them. I guess I didn't like it enough to listen to the rest of their music and so my MP3's have been collecting digital dust for the better part of a decade. I decided to give them another listen and see if I made the right choice in ignoring them all these years.

I don't even know what I have here, but it seems to be an E.P. called "Can't Kill A Dream" based on the artwork I have for it. This is some pretty good straight up posi-hardcore. "Wide Awake" is the song I liked way back when and it still holds up for me now. But there is a monkey wrench in here. What is the deal with the song "Can't Kill A Dream"? It doesn't sound ANYTHING like the rest of the songs on here. Quite frankly, it sounds like a chorus of Care Bears were singing "friendship means the world to me, FRIENDSHIP!" And then you have Barney from Napalm Death singing "You Can't....Kill....A Fucking Dream!" The song sounds great and I wish there was a 7" of more songs that sound like it. Sounds a little rough, but it sounds HARD. So what's the deal with it?  Is it another singer? Demo song? I mean it's night and day. Anyway, I am digging all of these songs a lot and I don't know why I passed on them all these years? It's right up my alley.

I texted Adult Crash about them and this is how it went...

Me: Hey, what do you think of Unit Pride?

Him: "I like the Nerve Agents better."

Me: What do you think of this song? (Can't Kill A Dream)

Him: "Meh. Morrissey is better."

Me: (Rolling my eyes)


PS: If you're interested in those reprinted shirts you can just click on the link below. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Let's talk about Millions Of Dead Cops

Well, Adult Crash is currently driving up to the in-laws with his old lady and his mini-crew, so I'm holding down the fort while he's gone. I'm not going to get into any political discussion on here because I would rather keep it fun. Having said that, the situation over in Ferguson, MO reminded me of a conversation that I had with Adult Crash before he left. Do you like M.D.C.? I remember asking him if he liked them because I had never really given them a real chance. As it turns out, he never really gave them a chance either. Apparently, we're the only two jackasses in the scene to be clueless about them. So I'm going to give them a listen and see what I've been missing out on.

First things first, I love the artwork. It's something that definitely grabs your attention. I remember being a young punk and seeing that for the first time at a record store and having to do a double take. I thought it was cool but at the same time, I had some mixed feelings about it. I was still new to this thing that we call hardcore/punk and didn't know about the friction between punks and cops/society in general. Obviously, I learned all about it over the years.

The song titles on this record are about what you would expect from a band in the 80's. The only thing missing is an anti-Reagan song. I'm sure they took care of that in later records.

Anyway, I'm digging Dave Dictor's vocals. A lot. He has a certain urgency with his delivery that sounds great. Musically, they sound pretty killer. Actually, they sound a lot better than I expected. Songs like "Corporate Deathburger", "Kill The Light" and "Church & State" are immediate favorites after the first listen. But overall, this whole record is pretty awesome.

Lyrically, I'm impressed with their stance on Homophobia with their song "America's So Straight". I can't think of many forward thinking songs in hardcore from back then. I mean sticking up for gays was just not as popular as making jokes based on stereotypes. I'm getting too serious here....Moving on.

"John Wayne Was A Nazi" is amusing and "Greedy & Pathetic" just rocks. Pretty solid record here. I think I just got something new to listen to over the holiday weekend.


Friday, November 7, 2014

Samhain in D.C. Halloween 2014

Well look who came into town this past Halloween. Samhain! Adult Crash and I have been talking about going to this show since it was announced. But I have to admit that I didn't think there was any chance that he would actually go. I mean, he's got a whole crew of kids at that baby factory that he calls home. No chance his old lady will let him out to see Samhain and leave her to take the kids out trick or treating on her own. But she let him go. I'm pretty sure he promised to take her out to the ballet or something else like that.

Samhain was playing at the Howard Theater in Washington, D.C. and it's a place that neither of us have ever been to. We were skeptical about the venue since it's not exactly known for hosting punk shows. But it turned out to be a pretty cool joint. Unfortunately, we arrived late because Adult Crash had to at least help the kids get dressed up before coming out to play with me. No biggie. We arrive in time to see Samhain getting set up. Perfect!

We were shocked (note sarcasm) that there were signs everywhere saying that pictures and videos were prohibited. I tried to sneak a couple of pictures anyway for our little blog here, but I was only able to get one good one. Damn light show was fucking going crazy. We definitely saw a couple of people get escorted out for taking pictures / video. Lame...

Anyway, they sounded GREAT! We were definitely loving every minute of this show. They belted out songs from every album. The only bad thing is that the place was so packed that it was hot as fuck in there. I felt like I was watching them perform in Hell. (Pretty sure that would be Danzig's wet dream.) In any case, they got a good response from the crowd and people were singing along all over the place. Overall, kick ass performance. After they were done they treated us with an encore song. I was hoping for a couple more, but no such luck.

People Watching

I know it was Halloween night, but why in the wide world of sports would anybody wear a costume while in the pit? Again, it was hot as fuck in that place. I practically had Bat Wings and I was standing in the back by the bar. Thankfully, the $8 beers ($8 for 12 ounces? Is this FedEx Field?!) I was ordering helped cool me off. And lighten my wallet...

We saw something else that was interesting. A group of about 3 or 4 guys shouting at the band in between songs. They were basically telling the band (as if they could hear them from that far) that they sucked. That Danzig was a douchebag and that he was a sellout. If you really feel that way about the band, why did you pay $40 plus to go to the show? It reminded me of those dumb ass straight edge kids that turned their backs on Youth Of Today at their reunion show in Florida. Let me get this straight...You PAID $40 to talk shit? What sense does that make? Whatever...

After the show ended we mosey on out to the car and I realized that I needed to take a leak. All those expensive ass beers came pounding on the door to be let out. I proceed to drain it in between a couple of cars. Unfortunately, 3 girls were walking up the street across from me and saw me doing my thing. Adult Crash thought it was a good time to embarass me by asking them "how big is it?" One of them put up her index finger and thumb to imply that it was only an inch. I immediately defend myself by saying...You can't even see it from over there! Bad move...They, along with what seemed like the entire neighborhood, erupted in laughter. I hate you Crash...


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Random thoughts

"Old man Adult Crash" here and I want to talk about a couple of things. First off, it was National Edge Day this past weekend and I spent some quality time with my wife and kids at the local pumpkin patch being clean and sober, while Malvo spent his time at some local bars partying like it's 1999. Last I checked, he and his liver are not on speaking terms...

Anyway, a bunch of bands were playing an Edge Day event up in Massachussets and it looked like a good show. Caught In A Crowd, Clear and World War 4 are popular bands we listen to. Not too familiar with the other bands, but I know of them. The flyer you see above is what I would expect for an Edge Day show. But I have to ask...Are Nike's still a big thing in hardcore fashion these days? The varsity jacket is a bit dated too, but I guess if the Air Jordan's are considered "cool" then the jacket must still be cool too. Kinda corny if you ask me. But it's good to see the kids keeping hardcore alive.

The other day, Malvo asked me what hardcore song touched me lyrically in my youth? In typical Malvo fashion, he made sure to add that Morrissey lyrics don't count. Such a narrow mind... Anyway, for me, it was "No More" by Youth of Today. I didn't become vegetarian from that song, but it reinforced things for me and made me take vegetarianism more seriously.

Malvo says that it was "kickback" by Breakdown. He is your stereotypical, angry hardcore kid. "Sorry, been kicked around for too long. Being fucked over just made me strong." That is his favorite lyric in all of hardcore, amongst so many other angry and depressing lyrics. I'm the total opposite of that. I like the posi-stuff, but it's another example of how different we are.

Speaking of how different we are, I like Morrissey. He doesn't. I told him to check out "You are the quarry" and he, to his credit, gave it a chance and didn't care too much for it. Now, he rags on me for liking Morrissey all the time, meanwhile, he likes Katy Perry! That's right, mister "I love negative hardcore" has a soft spot for Katy Perry! Keep that in mind the next time he creates a meme or just wants to talk shit about yours truly.


Friday, October 17, 2014

Let's take a look at what came in the mail...

Slimer writes:

"Hey, do you guys rock it to Parquet Courts? They're a band from Brooklyn and they definitely have a punk element. They got a song I fuck with called Stoned and Starved."

First of all, is this a joke? Homeboy's name is "Slimer"... Anyway, we've never heard of this band, but we're going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt and take this seriously.

Hmm I fail to hear the "punk element" in this song. It's a catchy rock song, but it's hardly punk to me. Maybe they have other songs that are punk, but this one ain't it. I've listened to a few more songs and they all sound like something I might hear on 120 Minutes, back in the day. MAYBE...

Adult Crash: It's aight. I'd probably reach for 50 different bands before this one, though. It has a retro vibe to it. I could picture it being late 70's NYC stuff. No offense Slimer, but 99% of this blog is about hardcore punk related stuff. This doesn't fall into that category.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Public Suicide (DC) review

It's Friday and it's a slow day in the office. I should probably be working on my TPS reports, but that can wait till Monday. In the meantime, I'm killing time on social media. And lo and behold I come across another new band from right here in D.C.

That band is Public Suicide and I have to say that I'm impressed. The name of the band grabbed my attention right away along with the artwork. Musically, the band has a power violence sound and the singer kind of sounds like Jon Westbrook of Knife Fight. Even a little grind core-ish vocally. All are redeeming qualities if you ask me.

They have a 5-song demo along with this 6-song S/T / soon to be 7" coming from Caught Up Records. They have some downloads available on Bandcamp for you to enjoy. But don't get them confused with another band from Cali with the same name. That band is not bad either from what I've heard so far. But that is for another day...


Friday, October 3, 2014

Stage diving debate

So, Noisey has an interesting article about stage diving that caught my attention. It's in regards to some god awful band from California called Joyce Manor. (I checked out some of their songs on iTunes and I will never get that time back.) Apparently, they stopped their show to address some rowdy guys that were stage diving and possibly causing harm to other fans during their set.

Now, I for one don't see the big deal with this move by the band. If there are guys being total dicks and possibly causing harm to others at a show, someone should say something. Having said that, I love seeing stage diving at shows. I don't participate in it anymore, but I love seeing it. I don't do it because I don't want to be mid-air and see the crowd part like the Red Sea. I also don't want to be on the receiving end of it either. Nothing worse than seeing a fat kid dive off and land on top of you. Reminds me of a song by Richmond's on Wheelbite called "Fat Kid Stage Dive".

Let's see what old man Adult Crash has to say about this topic:

The older I get, the less I understand stage diving. I was definitely a stage diver in my youth. I dove with the best of them to all my favorites. Youth of Today is playing tonight? I had my Air Jordan III's laced up and ready to go. Agnostic Front opens up with "Victim In Pain"? My legs are on autopilot and running up to the stage. Floorpunch just announced "Clear" as their last song of the night? I was doing multiple dives during the whole song.

I did all of this until my mid 20's. Then a couple of years after I graduated from college, I sprained my ankle badly while diving. The $300 trip to the emergency room (I had no insurance from 18-30. This was in 1998) smartened me up really quick.

It's fine for people to dive if you see it coming. However, I never felt much sympathy for the guy who landed on people out of nowhere, and then promptly got his ass handed to him by someone really angry about it.

Not to sound all Fugazi, but stage divers, for the most part, are kind of assholes. It's not like they're the only ones that can get hurt. They're taking liberties with everyone else's health as well.

-Adult Crash

Well now...Who wants to bet that he came up with this from his rocking chair? This is how I picture it.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Salad Days Trailer

Great horny toads! The Salad Days trailer has been released with the announcement that Soul Side is playing with Moss Icon and a third band that has yet to be announced. Been looking forward to this show for quite some time. (And by quite some time, I mean the last couple of weeks since I finally started to appreciate Soul Side.) Looks like it will be at the Black Cat in December and you can bet the farm that I'm dragging Adult Crash with me to see them play. Peep the trailer.

Salad Days Trailer


Friday, September 19, 2014

Love getting surprises like this

Malvo has put yours truly on blast recently with talk about my lack of commitment to this blog of ours. First of all, I'm not the one geeking out like a 14 year old over a video game. (That game is Destiny by the way.) I get some righteous jams to listen to and this slacker is playing video games. He is a total man-child. I should get in touch with his boss and let him know what he does when he works from home...

So let me tell you about the gift that just showed up in my email. A compilation that apparently is not available in the States yet, but features a couple of bands that we have talked about on here. The comp is called "Stomp-I-Lation" and has 7 songs from Boston Strangler, 9 songs from Waste Management and 9 songs from Peacebreakers.

First off, I don't know if this download is just a bad quality or if the recording is just not great. But as good as these songs are by Boston Strangler, the sound of it leaves something to be desired. Sounds all muddy. But these songs are fucking sweet! This should be their next 7" if it isn't already.They kick off the comp with "Dead Weight" and it sets an awesome tone for the rest of their songs. Fucking love this band.

Next up is Waste Management and the recording sounds a lot better. Which makes me wonder about the Boston Strangler part of this comp... Anyway, these songs by Waste Management are pretty killer. I personally like the hockey reference in "Hurts Tu(Kka R)Ask / Power Abuse". It starts with the beginning of "Hurts To Ask" by Chain Of Strength, but immediately goes into Power Abuse. I'm a big fan of the power violence style and this band knows how to do it well.

Third and final band on this comp is Peacebreakers and I've never heard of them. I'd ask Malvo if he knows anything about them, but the last time I talked to him, he was going on and on about a Deadpool movie being made. Fucking nerd!

Peacebreakers are rad! I don't know if they're from Boston like the other two bands on this comp, but they sure sound like it. The weird thing about their contribution to this comp is that they only have two studio recordings and the rest of the songs are live. I can tell you this much, they sound good live. If anybody has any info on these guys, please send them our way.

All in all, this comp is pretty crucial. Thanks to my boy for hooking me up with this. Great way to kick start my Friday. According to my friend, it's only available to our European friends at the moment. I assume on vinyl. Hopefully this gets a vinyl release in the States sometime soon.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Second chance listen: Soul Side

It's been a while since our last entry, but we can assure you that we're not being lazy. Well, maybe Adult Crash is being lazy. I mean, who puts his career, family and responsibilities over doing this blog? He does! Selfish bastard...

Anyway, I saw an ad from Dishord promoting a re-issue of Soul Side's album Trigger and Bass/103. Now, neither one of us was into them during their hay day, but I'm gonna give it another chance. Notice I said, "I" would give it another chance. Adult Crash is blaming his work and family schedule on not participating in this entry. Pssh slacker.

First couple of songs are pretty catchy and I'm really digging Bobby Sullivan's vocals. But the song that grabs me right away is "Name In Mind". This song kicks ass! I've now listened to this song like 10 times in a row. It's a little moody with some attitude in the vocals and the music just rocks. Holy crap, how did I not appreciate this years ago?

I've now turned off "Repeat Song" and continuing with the rest of the album and "Problems Faced When Traveling" is just as good! I'm beginning to see why people are getting excited about a possible reunion show for them this year. If that in fact happens, I can assure you that I will be there.

I've now listened to this entire release and I love it! I have their 7" somewhere and I know I probably listened to it like once or twice and never bothered with it again. Gonna have to find that bad boy and make sure I didn't use it as a coaster or something equally stupid.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Interview - NickTape

We've decided to try something new here at D.C. Sniper Headquarters. We're going to channel our inner Howard Stern and do some interviews with some people that we'd like to know more about beyond hardcore. First up, from Coke Bust, Sectarian Violence, Red Death and...well, he can tell you the rest. Let's get to know NickTape!

Name, age and bands you're in?

My name is Nick and I'm 27 years old. I live in Brookland and I play in Coke Bust (vocals), Sectarian Violence (vocals), Red Death (bass), Sem Hastro (drums) and Smartsam Utlosning (bass).

I assume Coke Bust is your first band? How did it come about? If not, what was?

Actually I played in a million bands when I was in middle/high school. I was first a drummer and played in a lot of horribly named groups: Poverty Box (named after the cafeteria vending machine), The Meat Eaters, and Ego Trip. When I was 15 I started my first hardcore band called GRIPTAPE.  We were formed two days before our first show at the Rockville Mayor's son's birthday party at a pool house.

When I was a senior in high school, Griptape played our last show and I started Bail Out with some friends. This was the first band I ever toured with. Coke Bust was formed in 2006 from the ashes of Bail Out with two of the members, me and Parsons (bass), looking to do something faster and more aggressive with a straight edge message. Coke Bust was weird because we didn't have any ambitions with the band other than to have something to do in the summer of 2006. We recruited my old buddy Chris on drums (who also briefly drummed for Griptape), and tried out a few guitar players. The rest is history!

What band got you into hardcore? And how were you exposed to it?

My older sister got me into skateboarding, which slowly corrupted me and put me in touch with the kids who generally had more fun and got into more trouble than my previous friends. Skate videos exposed me to DRI, Black Flag, The Misfits, The Ramones, Minor Threat and other cool stuff. Still, I had no way of knowing more about these bands until that same sister explicitly showed me punk. She told me about a local DC band called Crispus Attucks and she described them as "skatecore." They were scheduled to play a free outdoor show at Fort Reno in Tenleytown and I was really pumped to check it out. Once I saw them, it was like the fucking lights went out. I didn't remember any of their riffs. I had no idea what they were playing. I didn't follow the music at all. The guitar player looked like a pirate and I was scared as hell. There were all kinds of freaks and hippies at the show passing out flyers for protests for things I had no idea about. It was wild. It was like someone unlocked a secret level of reality and I felt as one with the community. I knew after that show that I was onto some next-level shit.

I attribute all of this to my sister. I used to sneak into her room when she was out of the house and read all her MRR's, make tapes of her Minor Threat and 7 Seconds CD's, etc. I used to write down the bands names that I thought sounded cool. I figured out what an LP was and found an old turntable in my parents' basement. I would save my money and order records from the labels with the cheapest prices. The Havoc Records $3ppd 7"s led me to checking out a lot of sicker stuff like Civil Disobedience, Destroy, Tampere SS, etc. At this time I was still into the Fat Wreck / Epitaph / Hopeless stuff, too, but I'm not ashamed of that. Eventually I befriended some other punks and skaters at my school and we all fed off each other and checked out new stuff all the time. From that point on, my involvement and hardcore fan-dom exploded exponentially. We went to tons of shows, did our own bands, organized our own shows, and for a hot second Montgomery County Maryland even had a cool little insular punk scene with all the kids from Rockville, Twinbrook, Bethesda, Gaithersburg and Silver Spring. That's when I met Chris (Coke Bust drummer), James (Coke Bust guitar player), Trey from Hounds Of Hate, and the other Magrudergrind dudes. Those were exciting times.

You've toured all around the world, what is your favorite place? And is there a place that you want to go back to.

It's tough to pinpoint just one place and say it's my favorite. Sweden has had a profound effect on me and I've met some incredible people there. If I could legally move and work there, I would. I've been casually studying the language for the past couple of years, and it's a goal to eventually reach fluency. Sweden has also culturally placed a high value on the arts and because of this there seems to be a rich supply of awesome music, past and present.

I would say that touring in Brazil was a dream come true, but to be honest, it wasn't even a place that I ever would have seen on my radar. I'm forever grateful for that opportunity, and I know that I have to go back and see more. It was actually through this tour that introduced me to my current roommate Sao Paulo. Hanging out with him and talking everyday has vicariously taken me closer to the country, too. Hardcore is just cool like that.

Honorable mentions go out to: Iceland, Poland, San Francisco, Vermont and Finland.

Who's got the most groupies?

Error 404

Who is the biggest ball buster/prankster in the band? And have any of you gotten into any trouble because of it while on the road?

We are all pretty much on the same page with our senses of humor. We all enjoy playing jokes on each other. James and I probably go the hardest, though. I can't think of any instances where we've gotten ourselves into significant trouble on the road. Sometimes I think people can be off-put by our idiotic inside jokes (that only we think are funny). But this is more a product of us spending loads of time together.

Touring world wide means you've seen a lot. What is the strangest thing you've seen on the road?

We've seen a lot of weird stuff: enormous lawn gnomes for sale in the Polish countryside, a man we stayed with in Bulgaria once convinced me that he was stealing my identity. Some of us made a wrong turn in Brazil and stumbled into a park full of men pleasuring themselves together in the woods. We played a grindcore festival in the remote mountains of Eastern France a couple of years ago. That was an insane experience. European squats are always a trip. Watching a Greek man inject heroin into his balls. I could go on forever...

We saw Coke Bust play out about a year or so ago and you had some family members in the audience. What do they think of it? Are they into it? Do they think it's weird and crazy? In any case, we thought it was a cool sign of support.

Both my sisters are really into it and have been incredibly supportive. I can't count the number of times they've driven us to the airport or dropped me off at Chris' house before tours. My parents don't really enjoy hardcore punk at all. My dad used to like MC5 as a kid, but that's about it. I think my mom wishes I would stay in DC for longer periods of time and be a little more career-oriented. She's Polish, though, and gets very excited about me going back there.

Let's play Fuck, Marry, Kill: Kate Upton, Sofia Vergara and Katie Perry. Gotta fuck one, marry one and kill one. GO!

The only person I know out of that list is Katie Perry and I hate her music. So I'll answer the question like this: Workout to Merauder / Relax to Thin Lizzy / Drive to Project Pat / Wash my dishes to Assuck / Write to Jimmy Ruffin. 

Come on Nick, you don't know these two beauties?

When you're not being a madman on stage, what do you do for fun?

When I'm not working/hustling or doing all this band/hardcore shit, I love reading about old heavy metal bands and checking new stuff out. I collect stamps. I'm working on writing a book about all my experiences. I'm not sure / don't care if it'll ever get published. I just want to have it. I enjoy working out, cooking food, hanging out with my roommates and hanging out with my family. I closely follow football and ice hockey. I meditate a lot.  I also love traveling outside of the realm of punk and hardcore. I need to do that more.

Favorite front man and why?

Some of my favorites: Kurt Brecht of DRI (I've always loved how he managed to fit a million syllables on the faster earlier material), HR, Mike Muir (some of the rawest/realest lyrics ever.), John Brannon (absolute madman), Blaine Cook from the Accused (sickest voice).

Hail to the Redskins or change the name?

Hail to the Redskins until they change the name (and they should), and then Hail whatever that team name is.

What band should people be listening to that nobody really knows about yet?

Rats of Reality from Sweden, DisXease from Brazil, Arms Race from England, Modern Problems from Buffalo, Post Teens from Florida, Satan's Satyrs from DC (although a lot of people know about them now....whatever).

Will Coke Bust be putting out any other 9 minute LP's in the future? I say that in jest because of some criticism you all got after the record came out. I actually ranted about it on our little blog here.

I can only hope we will! HAHA

Are you a record collecting nerd? If so, what's your holy grail?

I wouldn't say that I'm a record collector or a nerd about it. I've never gone after colored vinyl and limited versions of records. I would like to own some early Dischord stuff, but I wouldn't drop hundreds of dollars on a record. Most really really really sick or rare records that I've acquired in the past have gotten sold over the years. Quitting jobs and touring extensively are the expensive hobbies that I have adopted over record collecting. No regrets. I can always go back and buy records. I can't travel in time and retroactively go on tour with my friends.

You're stranded on an island and you can jam out to Slayer or Metallica for the rest of your life. Who do you go with?

I am going with Metallica 10 out of 10 times. Slayer is awesome, of course, but I don't think that their best material holds a candle to Metallica's. I think Slayer stayed "good" or "listenable" a lot longer, But Metallica is sicker in my opinion. My favorite kind of metal is also NWOBHM, so it makes sense that I choose this. My favorite Metallica material is, not surprisingly, Kill Em' All.

Any last words or shout outs?

Anyone who discourages your passions in life is your enemy. Shout out to my man Seth F...I hope Montana is good.

Thanks for your time, Nick.


Friday, August 8, 2014

New band from D.C.

You know, it's been a while since I got really pumped up about a local band. And thanks to the Livewire Board, I found out about a new band called Protester. (Being a lurker has it's advantages.) Found this little bio about the band for their demo that you can get on Bandcamp along with their 7".

Protester is the straight edge brain child of Connor from Abuse/ Last Words/ Double Negative. Much like bands like Boston Strangler and Violent Reaction, this is a solo project that is now an active band (with members of Coke Bust and Thick Skin). Musically it takes cues from the early 80's Boston crew, as well as the early REV roster.

All this really means to me is that it pretty much kicks ass. Check them out.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

CORROSION OF CONFORMITY -"Tarquinius Superbus" [Lyric Video]

It's another slow day at the office and the D.C. Sniper Team is passing the time with texts about C.O.C. and their new album. And whether or not they could possibly put out anything that will hold a candle to their early material. Their first three albums are just full of hits, there's no denying that. Eye For An Eye, Technocracy and Animosity are just all around greats. But then the 90's and beyond brought us Blind, Deliverance, Wiseblood and some others. None of those did anything for us and then we just forgot about them still being around.

Then, from out of nowhere, they announced that they were going to be doing a tour playing Animosity as the three piece that recorded it. We would've liked to have seen that tour since neither one of us has ever gotten to see them, but we missed out. I would be curious to hear how those shows went.

Now, I'm seeing that they have released a new album called IX and I had to satisfy my curiosity. Maybe I've been missing out this whole time? In any case, I'm going to give this new album a chance. They have a video for a song called "Tarqinius Superbus" and my first impression of this song is that
it's not bad. Pretty solid rock song, BUT it's about three minutes too long. The whole jam session that is going on in the song bored me. On the bright side, I'm happy to see that Mike Dean is singing for the band again. In my opinion, he should've always been the vocalist for the band. He just sounds awesome. Then I heard some more songs on this album and got bummed...

Again, I haven't heard anything by them in years, so maybe this nothing new for the band. But the first two songs on here sound weird to me. I mean, he's actually "singing". I thought that it was someone else for a second, but no. Sure enough, it's him. If someone had played me the songs from this album and said, guess who this is? I would never, in a million YEARS, guess that it was C.O.C. Anyway, there are a couple of hard hitting songs on here, but for the most part, it's these bluesy rock songs that are not what I'd expect from the band that brought us songs like "Mad World", "Technocracy" and "Indifferent".

Overall, I am not a fan of this record. There are a couple of songs that I can hang with like "Denmark Vesey", "The Nectar" and "Tarquinius Superbus" but for the most part, it's just not my thing. Maybe it will grow on me? In the mean time, I'm gonna go listen to Eye For An Eye, Six Songs With Mike Singing, Technocracy and Animosity. In that order.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

D.C. Sniper Team takes in a show

This past Sunday, I got a call from Adult Crash saying that he would be able to go to Baltimore to check out Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine. But he had to take care of some parental duties first. I arrive in time to tag along to a t-ball game, get some home made pasta and to give out high fives to the kids. They love their Uncle Malvo. Yes, I tell the kids to call me that. (Adult Crash does not see the humor in that. Probably because his wife would be less than amused.) After all that, away we go!

The show was at the Ottobar with Negative Approach and a local band called War on Women. We arrive in time to check out War on Women and the place is already packed. Not crazy packed, but definitely a lot of people. War on Women aren't bad. Didn't know what to expect from them, but they were pretty good. Solid punk rock-ish kind of band. Never heard of them, but they got a great response from the crowd. Maybe they've been around a while? In any case, I would check them out again.

Next up was Negative Approach and since Adult Crash didn't see them at Damaged City Fest last year, he was curious. I'll have him take over this part of the review. - I know what Malvo said about the show last year and I wanted to see it for myself. First off, the band sounds great! But the guitar player was not facing the crowd at all during their set. This is a pet peeve of mine. I know there was a steel beam in front of him, but he could've stood on either side of it and faced the crowd. It irked me to no end. Then Brannon...well, it wasn't so bad. He seemed to be singing the songs just fine towards the end of their set, but for most of it, he was definitely just growling one word for a whole line in the song. The crowd was a weird one too. I don't know if it's because of the "No stage diving" policy, but the crowd was emotionless during the entire set. Well, except when "Ready To Fight" was played. Don't know how I would feel about that if I was in the band. One song made people move and the rest was met with head bobbing and stares. My opinion, they should give it up.

On a side note, my kids do like Malvo a lot. My old lady sent me a text during the show saying our kids wouldn't stop talking about him after we left. I'm beginning to think that he's giving my kids candy when I'm not looking. Anyway, I'll let Malvo entertain you with his man-crush of Jello Biafra. If you heard a girl shrieking on Sunday night around 11:15pm, it was probably him. Anyway, I will say that they sounded great and I'm looking forward to seeing them again. I guess I'll go ahead and use that download code he gave me a few months ago...

Photo by: Jeff Terranova

Photo by: Jeff Terranova
Photo by: Jeff Terranova
I hardly have a man-crush on Jello. But he is awesome in my book. Anyway, they come out and killed it! They sounded awesome. They played a nice mix of stuff from all of their records including a few Dead Kennedy's songs. The crowd gave them lot's of love no matter what they played. But, they definitely got more of a reaction when they played Dead Kennedy's songs. My favorite moment from the show was Jello asking the crowd if they had friends or family members that were into the Tea Party / Fox News. Then asking how they talked to them when it came to particular issues and then launching into "Nazi Punks, Fuck Off!" I almost threw myself from the balcony onto the crowd during that song. Place went bananas! The show went on pretty long with some encores, but I loved every minute of it. Everybody that was there definitely got their money's worth. I think they were on stage for about an hour and a half. Probably the longest show I've seen in a long time. But I'm not complaining.

UPDATE: After we posted this entry, we came across some photos by Jeff Terranova of Jello and the gang from their show in NY. Thank you to Jeff for allowing us to use a few of his photos to make our little blog look a lot cooler.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Chain Of Strength return to Washington, D.C.

This past weekend Chain Of Strength made their way back to Washington, D.C. for the first time in a very long time. They played at St. Stephen's in Columbia Heights (aka hipster central) along with Red Death, Public Suicide, Praise, Mindset and Turnstile. Mindset was the only band that we had seen before. So we were curious about the other bands.

First up, Red Death - I heard about this band a couple of weeks ago and got to hear a song from their demo. Call me crazy, but as far as I'm concerned, anything NickTape is a part of is solid gold. That guy sings for Coke Bust, Sectarian Violence and is now playing bass for Red Death and I was totally digging their sound. Going to be downloading that demo from Bandcamp asap.

Public Suicide was up next annnnnnd we missed them. Why you ask? I'll tell you why...because it was hot as fuck inside of that place. I kid you not, I had to walk about 4 blocks to a CVS so I could buy some Goldbond because of the chaffing going on between my thighs. That's right. Chaffing. Too much info? I don't care. That shit sucked. Adult Crash thought it was hilarious. (He has this thing about enjoying my pain. He's also a bastard.) Needless to say, I had a cool relief going between my legs after that purchase. Back to the show we go.

While waiting for Praise to get set up, we notice the fiasco behind us at the merch tables. Specifically, the line for the Chain Of Strength merch looked like it was a mile long. After closer inspection, we could see that they had a shitload of stuff to sell. Shirts, posters, stickers, hoodies and watches. You name it, they had it. Well except for those iPhone 5 cases...Bummer.

Anyway, Praise comes on and they were okay. Not exactly our cup of tea. Not bad, but not exactly blowing us away. We both agreed that we will give one of their recording's a chance before we pass final judgement. They sort of reminded me of Give, but not quite.

Next up was Mindset and the place went nuts for them. If you like youth crew hardcore full of straight edge goodness, then this band is right up your alley. Adult Crash isn't much of a fan, but I dig them. I love the energy of their shows and they kind of remind me of Count Me Out. Highlight/Non-highlight of the show was the singer falling and getting back up with a nice stream of blood going down the side of his head and down his neck. I don't know what happened to that guy, but he was a trooper and finished their set. In retrospect, maybe he shouldn't have finished their set, because we heard people talking outside after the show saying something to the effect of him having to go to the hospital. Hope that guy is okay.

Turnstile was up next and holy shit, it was like a flashback to 1993 in New Yawk City. That band is just like all the bands that we hated from the early to mid 90's. Holy chugga chugga crap. We both looked at each other and cringed. I literally heard a guy in between songs tell his buddy that Turnstile was a band you could "groove to". Barf....Adult Crash suggested we build a time machine so that we could send them back to 1993, but it's not really necessary since a lot of bands from New York are still going with this horrible sound. Having said all this...people were losing their god damn minds over them. Clearly, we were in the minority with our opinions. 

Now, neither one of us has seen Chain Of Strength before. But we had to check them out in 2014. And thank god we did! Man, they sounded great and had lot's of energy. They played everything from both 7"s and Impact. Wish they could've played longer, but as you know, there's no other material. With as much love as they have for so many D.C. bands, I had hoped to hear a cover, but no dice.

People watching: Well, if you watched the clip above, then you probably already know what we're going to say. Camera guys on stage...Something has to be done about this, but what? What are the promoter's going to do, ban them? Not likely. Heard somebody bitching about the guy in the baby blue Bold shirt being in their way as they walked out of the show. I think it went something like "I didn't realize that I'd paid for an ass to be in my face too." Haha

All in all, it was another kick ass show put on by the Damaged City guys. Can't thank these guys enough for putting together all these shows. If not for them, then there may not even be any good shows coming into D.C. All you kids out there need to be counting your lucky stars that they bust their asses to put on shows.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

12"s that should be 7"s

It's good to be back! I see that Adult Crash has been sharing his thoughts with you all about Beyond (yawn) at BNB and his disdain for hardcore clothes on your kiddies. (I gotta agree with him on that.) But, I'm back to shoot my mouth off on stuff that came to mind while I was away. 

Case in point, while I was soaking up some rays on the beach with my lady friend, my iTunes "accidentally" started playing some D.Y.S. Now, this album is considered to be a hardcore classic. But I've always been of the opinion that it could be cut down to a 7". I mean, you could 86 "City to City", "The Girl's Got Limits", "Escape" and "Wolfpack". That's right. I said it. "Wolfpack" can go!

Humor me for a second before you dismiss me as somebody that has just gone off the deep end. Imagine how crucial of a 7" that Brotherhood could be with songs like "Open Up", "More Than Fashion", "Circle Storm", "Brotherhood", "Yellow", "Stand Proud" and "Insurance Risk"! Not only would the record have a fantastic record cover, but it would be loaded with seven amazing songs!

Instead, we're stuck with a 12" that features absolute garbage-songs like "City To City", "The Girl's Got Limits" and "Escape". I could see "Wolfpack" as a single or as something featured on a compilation. But I could easily wipe my ass with those other three pieces of shit.  As far as I'm concerned, those three songs were just a prelude to the absolute shit show that they had become after putting out Brotherhood.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Children and hardcore gear.

Adult Crash here again, Malvo is on vacation this week or as he put it "spring break bitches!" So I figure I would talk about something that has been bugging me for quite some time. Fellow core-men with children that dress their kids to look like themselves. Specifically, wearing straight edge shirts, Youth of Today zip-ups or whatever the hell else is out there. Call me crazy, but I think it's tacky. Me and my old lady have got a bit of a baby factory going on over here, but there has never been a day when I told her something like "hey baby, I just got this Negative Approach t-shirt for Nancy. Or, hey honey, is Jason a size 4Y? Because I wanna get him this Gorilla Biscuits hoody." If you're going to dress your kid up like you, why not go all the way with the "hardcore reality" and give him or her some sweet "straight edge" tattoo's? Maybe slap some Bridge 9 stickers all over their big wheel. Oh, I know, how about teaching them how to properly vandalize their school bathrooms with their mom and dad's favorite bands!

Seriously, your kid is into Gorilla Biscuits and Judge? Really?

Now, I'm not trying to pick on Revelation Records because they're only feeding the demand that's out there. And they're hardly the only ones making these sort of things for kids. I'm looking at all you guys and gals that want to make your "mini-me's" look exactly like you. Yeah, it's cute and yeah, it's your right to dress your kids any way you want. But at the end of the day, your 12 year old looks like a bit of a poser.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Beyond at Black N' Blue Bowl 2014

Sr. Adult Crash Correspondent here, and I'm taking the lead on this entry since the other half has no interest in Beyond. (He clearly has no taste.) I like Beyond, their demo was great and the LP was pretty good. With exception of the singer, all the members went onto bigger things. Though, not necessarily better things in my opinion. They played at the Black N' Blue bowl this past weekend and it looked like 45 people cared. I expected a better response than what I saw in this video. But to be fair, one song does not accurately represent the reaction that they got during the whole show. See the video for yourself.

Oh and if you haven't heard already, Revelation Records is putting out their discography in the near future. Here's to hoping it comes out looking good.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Favorite frontmen

It's Friday and five o'clock can't get here fast enough. So to pass the time, we are talking about our favorite front men and why? I chose Jello because I love his on stage performance, banter and his lyrics speak to me. I don't agree with everything he has to say, but he knows how to paint a picture with his words. Quite frankly, I think he is the total package when it comes to being a front man.

But if I were to just choose one guy to watch and lose my shit to? It would be H.R. before he lost his marbles. That guy could make me lose my marbles with his performance. He was fucking awesome!

SR. Adult Crash Correspondent: Kevin Seconds has always been one of the best performers on stage, no matter how old he is. He always works the crowd masterfully.

Richie Birkenhead has always been a favorite of mine too. Not for the same reason though. I just always liked his intensity and confidence while singing.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Parris Mayhew Interview on Noisey

The soap opera that is the Cro-Mags just got new life with an interview with Parris Mayhew. It is definitely a good read for any fan of the band. If you haven't seen the story on your social media, then here ya go. Enjoy.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

First listen to Screeching Weasel.

This morning I received a text from SR. Adult Crash Correspondent asking me if I've ever checked out Screeching Weasel. I've heard of them, but never bothered to check them out. They are just one of those bands that slipped through the cracks for me. He describes them as a "fun 90's punk band. Ramones-ish." He says that "Anthem for a New Tomorrow" is a good place to start. Let's see what he's talking about here.

The first song on here is called "I'm Gonna Strangle You Tonight". Lyrics are okay, the song title made me laugh, but it's pretty catchy. I'm up to what appears to be an instrumental called "Talk To Me Summer" and I'm digging these songs so far. Not exactly what I expected to hear, but pretty good. I decide to look up some more tunes by them and come across a song that caught my attention right away. The song is called "I Wanna Be A Homosexual" and It's from an album called "Kill The Musicians". I immediately look up the lyrics and play the song and I'm dying laughing. I immediately text the other half of the team and it went something like this.

Me: Oh my god, I'm listening to a good dong (you read that right, auto-correct failed me again) called "I Wanna Be A Homosexual". NO WAY these lyrics could fly today.

Him: Ha. Nope. And I always knew you loved a good dong.

Me: Curse you!

Him: Curse your fat fingered typing, dong lover.

Anyway, these lyrics are on par with the song "Homosexual" by Angry Samoans. VERY politically incorrect. But the song is damn good. Give them a chance if you want to hear something new/old. I know I will.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Growing Stronger 2014 demo

It's a slow day at the office and I'm bored. SR Adult Crash Correspondent and I are debating on whether or not Green Day is a good band. I, for one, don't care about them. I think they're overrated and I usually change the channel if they come on the radio. He, on the hand, thinks they're really good and is rocking out to them on Pandora as we speak. Ugh I'd rather listen to New Jersey's own Intensity!

Anyway, I've been browsing Instagram during our silly texts and came across a band by the name of Growing Stronger. React! Records is promoting a 2014 demo and I decided to check them out. Man o man this is good! This is our kind of hardcore! Short, sweet and to the point. We've been coming across too many bands that just sound like they're from New York and have that bad metal sound. Sorry guys, but even I can't get behind a lot of these bands.

Can't really tell you shit about Growing Stronger except that you can get their 6 song demo on Bandcamp now. For all I know, these guys are a bunch of eskimo's that love the Growing Stronger comp and wanted to start up a band that could've been featured on that record. Based on these 6 songs, I would've put them on there.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Damaged City Fest 2014

Another year and another Damaged City Fest has come and gone. SR. Adult Crash Correspondent couldn't make it because of "family obligations" (he clearly doesn't have his priorities straight). But yours truly was there, front and center, diving and dancing. Ok, I was there, but I was doing no diving or dancing. This old timer watched the show from the safety of the back room.

I could only make it to Saturday's show because of family obligations (mine are more legit). The Flex (UK) might've been the biggest surprise for me that day. I've heard of them, but had yet to hear any of their music. And they sounded pretty fucking good! All I know is that the whole place went ape shit during their set. Bodies flying everywhere and the mosh was in full effect. Their set looked like something I would've watched a thousand times as a kid. So glad that I was no where near the front because there were stage dives a plenty. I actually ventured up front to get a short video of their set and I immediately retreated to the back of the place again. Crazy kids..

Another band that was pretty cool was Waste Management. Again, heard of them, but never heard them. I'm sure it's been said before, but the singer sounds exactly like Springa. Dead ringer. The band was badass. They have a power violence-ish type of sound and I love it. Don't know what they have out, but I'm looking. You can add another killer band from Massachusetts to the ever growing list.

Culo was at the fest again this year and they still don't do it for me. They didn't last year and they still don't this year. Having said that, I will say that the singers stage dives made me laugh. He looked like a torpedo diving into the crowd and I was convinced that he was gonna get back up on stage with a busted nose or something. Much like last year, they got a good response. Good for them. I may not dig their sound, but it seems like a lot of others do.

Give is a band that I've been wanting to check out for some time. I see people raving about them, but I've somehow managed to miss every show they've played in the D.C. area. Well, this year I got to see what all the hubbub was about and they were pretty good. Not what I expected at all. Kinda reminded me of Soulside and other old D.C. bands from the Revolution Summer days. In any case, they have a cool sound that I get into.

The two bands I really wanted to see on Saturday were the big hitters closing out the night. Boston Strangler and Infest. This was my first time seeing Boston Strangler live and they did not disappoint. Holy fucking shit were they awesome. I was loving every minute of their set and if there was a complaint to be made, it was that I wanted them to play a couple more songs. The crowd showed them the love they deserved and I can't wait for them to come back to town. Great band!

Been wanting to see Infest ever since they got back together and I can finally die happy. I've seen videos of their shows over the last year or so and they sound great. At Damaged City, it was no different. They belted out about 20 minutes worth of hits and the crowd ate it up. I was happy to see them get a good response. I can safely say that they are on a short list of bands doing reunion shows that sound good. Like, really fucking good. Much like Boston Strangler, I wish they could have played longer. But then again, I didn't want to be there all night long.

People watching:

One thing that struck me as odd at the show was all the disposable cameras I saw. It wasn't like I saw one or two. I probably saw like 20! First of all, those things are still being made? And since they're obviously still out there, who would want to use such an ancient piece of shit to take photos? You're better off taking a mental photograph, it would look better! I wonder if all those kids were using beepers too?

I also couldn't help but notice the two photographers on stage that could have easily been mistaken for extra members of each band that played that day. Now, I'm sure their fancy cameras were used to take some nice photos of the bands and the crowd, but did they have to set up shop at the front of the stage next to the band? Check out the video's I posted above and you'll see these two guys on the right side of the stage taking pictures. Any closer to the band and they might as well have been putting the mic out to the crowd for sing alongs!

All in all it was a great show in our nation's Capitol. Props to Nicktape, Chris Moore and whoever else helped them put on this fest. They run a tight ship and know how to keep things moving. If only more shows were this organized. Looking forward to next year.


Friday, April 11, 2014

Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine

The D.C. Sniper team loves the Dead Kennedys. They're easily one of the best bands in hardcore punk history. Top ten. Hands down. Their influence both musically and lyrically can still be felt in today's scene. After the demise of the DK's, Jello continued to make music with other bands like Lard, DOA and the Melvins. These days, he's in a band called Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine. And we had no idea...

I stumbled onto a song by them on YouTube and immediately sent a text to the other half of the team to give it a listen. The song was "Mid-East Peace Process" and it is fucking bad ass! That song alone should have anybody that is a Dead Kennedys fan giving his current band a chance. The song is from their second album called "White People and The Damage Done" and this album is fan-fucking-tastic.

It covers topics from Hollywood to Wall Street to road rage. It's one hit after another in my book. The cover, artwork on the insert, album title and lyrics are really creative and cool in my opinion. All things that made me love hardcore punk, and more specifically, the Dead Kennedys when I was a young lad. Now I just need to get my hands on their first album, "The Audacity Of Hype".


I have been listening to "White People And The Damage Done" non-stop for the last month or so. The same can't be said for the other half of the team. Or as he now wishes to be called, Senior Adult Crash Correspondent. I gave this slacker a free download code for this album WEEKS AGO. And as of this morning, he has yet to download the album. Conversation went something like this:

Me: You listen to that Jello album yet? Or have you been skipping the gym and getting fat?
Him: I've been playing softball 3x a week. Still haven't been to the gym. I'll try to listen to it this weekend, jagaloon.

Now who is the real jagaloon here? I already have the album on my iTunes and he has been sitting on a download code for the better part of two months! Total slacker if you ask me. By the way, who wants to clue us in on what a "jagaloon" is? We have no idea. But ever since that first This Is Hardcore video with Bad Luck 13, we've been calling each other jagaloons. Clearly, we're out of the loop. And immature...
